This is a six-mile climb (or descent) up the east side of Ben Lomond, rising 3000 feet. That's about a 10% average rate of climb, folks. Add the narrowness of the trail, some areas with loose rock, and a bit of brush overgrowth, and you've got a ride that's only for strong skilled bikers. It's a beautiful ride with great views. It can be done as an out-and-back, or as part of a shuttled ride or loop ride that includes the Northern Skyline trail. An alternative ride that reaches the top of Ben Lomond Peak (and connects to this trail) is Willard Peak .

In the second two miles, the bushes close in and begin to attack your shins. Watch for twigs in the derailleur and in your spokes. A few spots with shrubby small trees require you to dismount, put your head down, and push the bike through dense branches. These spots also tend to have trail-bursts as horses have flailed through.

About a mile from the top (mile 5.1), you'll reach the Cutler Spring trail. Turn left here. The Cutler Spring trail goes straight ahead, around the ravine to the opposite side, and it looks nice, but it turns ugly and it won't get you where you need to go. At the ridge top, you reach the Northern Skyline trail. Right will take you toward Inspiration Point or up the final switchbacks on the upper slope of Ben Lomond Peak. Left takes you down the Northern Skyline to the North Ogden Divide.

For a loop ride, you'll have some climbing on the road in either direction. So pick your trailhead depending on whether you want the road-climb at the end, or at the start of your ride. And decide whether you want more of your climbing on the road, or less. And on whether you want the harder singletrack on the uphill or the downhill.

Go up Ogden Canyon. (From the north on I-15, take the 12th South Ogden exit and head east on Highway 39. From the south, exit I-15 on US 89. Pass I-84 and climb up the hill, then turn right on Harrison Blvd. Continue on Harrison until you hit U-39 and turn R toward Ogden Canyon.) Turn left across the dam at Pineview Reservoir. At the stop sign in Eden, turn left. Turn left at the stop sign in Liberty. After about 1/4 mile, take the next right. Turn left toward North Fork Park just after you cross the river. Turn left again at the North Fork Park sign. Turn left toward the stables, then keep generally straight until you see parking and a metal horse corral on your right. Park just north of the horse corral, and you'll see the trailhead directly west.
Getting there, for loop starting at North Ogden Divide:
From the Ogden 12th Street exit, drive east (towards the mountains). At 400 East (Washington), turn left (north) and drive 5 miles. After the street narrows, veers slightly east, and enters a residential area, turn right (east) at 3100 North. Drive 4.1 miles to the parking area on your right, at the highest spot of the North Ogden Divide. The trail begins right across the road from the turn-in to the parking area. Alternate, via Ogden Valley: Drive straight into Ogden Canyon from the 12th Street exit. At Pineview Reservoir, turn left across the dam. At the stop sign in Eden (shopping center and gas station), turn left. Turn left again at the stop sign in Liberty, then go straight west until the road begins climbing up to the Divide.
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