The Behind the Rocks trail is a tough, advanced-technical ride located just south of Moab. Used mainly as a trials-motorcycle trail, Behind the Rocks has stiff climbs, technical descents and ledges, and life-sucking sand. Only riders who are bored with the "easy stuff" should consider this trail.
We offer you directions to the standard point-to-point one-way ride, plus five different loop options. Most riders go 19 miles one-way, losing 1400 vertical feet of altitude. You'll need a shuttle car for this, and while the shuttle commute is a bit long (about 18 miles), it's on pavement.

(Critical forks, loop connectors marked in boldface)
0.0 North on dirt road
N 38° 25.300' W 109° 25.930', Alt=5500'
0.25 Veer L (R=camping)
0.4 Fork R, N 38° 25.521' W 109° 26.014'
1.2, 1.3 Keep straight
1.6 L at fork, N 38° 26.415' W 109° 26.578'
2.1 Steep sand downhill, Alt=5850'
4.0 Keep straight
5.1 Fork hard R onto smaller DT (L = Loop 1)
N 38° 26.440' W 109° 29.380'
6.0 Keep L as trail comes in on R
6.3 Cross DT, keep straight
N 38° 27.146' W 109° 29.739'
7.6 R on Pritchett, 100 ft, R again (L = Loop 2)
N 38° 26.722' W 109° 29.949'
8.0 Keep straight (L)
8.3 R goes over slickrock, L main route
N 38° 27.177' W 109° 31.258'
8.6 Fork R (L = Loop 2.5)
N 38° 27.28' W 109° 31.63'
9.5 Keep straight, cross DT
N 38° 27.640' W 109° 32.202'
9.6 Keep straight
10.0 At bottom of steep hill, fork R (L = Loop 3)
N 38° 27.658' W 109° 32.476'
11.5 Drop into Hunter Canyon
Deep sand in bottom!
13.4 Fork R to Pritchett Trail (L = Lunatic Loop)
END of BTR Trail
N 38° 29.640' W 109° 33.773', Alt=4500'
13.5 Straight (R)
14.0 Spur to view of Pritchett Arch, keep straight
15.2 White Knuckle Hill
N 38° 30.70' W 109° 33.00'
15.5 Keep R (L = Pritchett Arch)
N 38° 30.78' W 109°33.37'
15.8 Keep L
17.0 Keep L
N 38° 31.4' W 109° 34.0'
19.5 Parking at Kane Creek Blvd. Alt=4100'
Follow Point-to-Point to Mile 5.1
5.1 Keep straight
6.0 L onto Pritchett trail
N 38° 25.70' W 109° 29.00'
Stay on main road back
Loop 2 -- A bit more -- 14.3 miles
Follow Point-to-Point to Mile 7.6
Fork L on Pritchett Trail
Follow US-191 signs on main road back
Loop 2.5 -- More still -- 20.9 miles
Follow Point-to-Point to Mile 8.6
Fork L, head W to Pritchett Trail
L at N 38° 26.37' W 109° 31.86'
Follow US-191 signs back
Loop 3 -- Almost Crazy -- 25.6 miles
(Avoids 500 ft climbing, ugly sand)
Follow Point-to-Point to Mile 10.0
Fork L, then keep R at next fork
L on Pritchett Trail at N 38° 28.20' W 109° 33.67'
Follow US-191 signs back
25.6 mile loop
Lunatic Loop -- Brutal 28.2 miles
Follow Point-to-Point to Mile 13.4
(BTR Trail ends on Pritchett Trail)
13.4 Fork L onto Pritchett Road
15.8 Keep straight (Loop 3 in from L)
N 38°
28.201' W 109° 33.666'
17.7 Keep straight (L)
20.4 Straight (Loop 2.5 in from L)
21.5 Back at 4-way (mile 7.6 on way out)
N 38° 27.177' W 109°
22.5 Keep straight
23.0 Pass Prostitute Butte, keep straight
24.2 Straight (Loop 1 in from L)
27.7 Pass BTR trail fork, keep straight
28.2 Back at parking

Now drive your second vehicle to the trailhead. Head back to Highway 191 and turn right (south). Drive 12.5 miles, and watch for a small road on your right. You should see a sign that (among other destinations) says Pritchett Arch. GPS is N 38° 25.30' W 109° 25.95'. Park near the cattle guard and begin riding.
Single-page printable riding guide.
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX (may differ from route above)
Topo maps for printing:
Lower Res
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Moab area resources
24 Hours of Moab: Topo GPX