This is a challenging loop ride for seasoned bikers with leg to spare, but it's not anybody's favorite. The loop takes you up the Mormon Pioneer (Donner) Trail to Big Mountain Pass, then south along the ridgeline on the Great Western, where you'll be treated to great views. The loop finishes by dropping down a rough ridge above Little Dell that's barely a trail. Portions of this loop are remote and primitive, so trail conditions can vary dramatically depending on ridership and infrequent trail maintenance.
The ride begins just off I-80 on the road to East Canyon (U-65). After a couple of miles on pavement, you can duck downhill off the road to catch the Mormon Pioneer Trail. This is your uphill route, and it's a plush, easy singletrack. Grinding out your initial vertical will be a pleasure on this pretty, shaded trail.

The Great Western starts as a forested ride. Clearings with low brush and wildflowers alternate with groves of aspen, maple, and oak, with an occasional fir.

The ridgeline ride takes a hard left turn at the gas pipeline and power pipeline. After a mile of "yawner" straight trail, you reach the Alexander Creek Trail , where you turn right to ride along the creek back to the trailhead.

On I-80 in Parley's Canyon, take the Little Dell Recreation Area exit (East Canyon, U-65). Turn north towards the golf course. Drive about 0.1 mile. On your right, spot a gate on a doubletrack, just past a ravine and before the first hill. There's a wide spot on the right for parking.N 40° 45.336' W 111° 42.590'.Start your ride by heading up highway U-65. The doubletrack will be your return trail.
For the Shuttle Ride, leave one car at the trailhead and drive to the top of Big Mountain Pass. The Great Western Trail is found on the far side of the parking area, heading uphill near the small shack.
An alternative ride using the Great Western over Bald Mountain is to loop down above Jeremy Ranch to the East Canyon Road, then come up the Mormon Trail in Little Emigration Canyon. Click here for information on the Bald Mountain Loop .
0.0 Start north on U-65
2.3 (Approx) just past Little Dell Reservoir,
find a pullout on R, drop down trail heading to
the Mormon Pioneer Trail, then L uphill
3.85 Trail reaches roadside parking, continuing trail
is on your left downhill across road
4.6 Affleck Park. Straight on DT, R across creek,
then L on DT to end of park, continue on ST
5.7 Cross road
7.3 Big Mountain Pass. N 40° 49.680' W 111° 39.227'
Turn L to end of parking to find continuing trail
(Climbs hill south)
10.8 Top of Bald Mountain, start rocky descent
12.4 Crest hill, join DT, watch for rockpile where
ST forks R (west) - critical fork
N 40° 46.418' W 111° 38.951'
Stay on top of ridge for 2.8 miles
15.2 At 3rd pipeline crossing, fork hard L just
before power line, go east
N 40° 45.769' W 111° 41.668'
16.2 Fork R (downhill) in meadow near springs
N 40° 45.638' W 111° 40.435'
(Don't follow pipeline uphill)
18.2 Back at parking.
Shuttle Ride:
Park at return trail, drive to the top of Big Mountain Pass.
Find the trail on the far southeast end of the parking area.
0.0 Climb uphill to start ride
3.5 Top of Bald Mountain
5.1 Crest hill, join DT, watch for rockpile where
ST forks R (west) - critical
N 40° 46.418' W 111°
Stay on
top of ridge for 2.8 miles
7.9 Hard L at gas and power line (east)
8.9 Hard R (west)
10.9 At parking!
Long Loop, GWT into Jeremy Ranch
0.0 Start north on U-65
2.3 (Approx) just past Little Dell Reservoir,
find a pullout on R, drop down trail heading to
the Mormon Pioneer Trail, then L uphill
3.85 Trail reaches roadside parking, continuing trail
is on your left downhill across road
4.6 Affleck Park. Straight on DT, R across creek,
then L on DT to end of park, continue on ST
5.7 Cross road
7.3 Big Mountain Pass. N 40° 49.680' W 111° 39.227'
Turn L to end of parking to find continuing trail
(Climbs hill south)
10.8 Top of Bald Mountain, start rocky descent
12.4 Crest hill, join DT, keep straight at rockpile
where ST forks R. N 40° 46.418' W 111° 38.951'
13.3 Cross game trail on saddle, start climbing up again
13.8 At crest of hill, keep straight (L goes 0.2 to viewpoint)
N 40° 45.783' W 111° 38.238' Alt 7800
14.9 Microwave towers, singletrack goes to R of structures
Joins gravel road
15 At first turn in road, hop singletrack on L, heading east
16.3 Fork "Main"gy Mouse, turn R onto Switchback Trail
N 40° 45.789' W 111° 36.009'
16.7 Go R as ST joins doubletrack N 40° 45.754' W 111° 35.898'
17.1 ST veers L off DT
17.3 R on cindered trail (west), becomes narrow ST
N 40° 45.343' W 111° 35.913'
17.9 Paved road, L (west) down to Parley's Exit
Straight on dirt, past gate
18.5 L off road on pipeline clearing, straight W
(Trail becomes more obvious after first hill)
Follow pipeline down
21.6 Fork L, cross creek N 40° 45.638' W 111° 40.435'
23.6 Back at parking.
Riding resources:
(printable) riding guide
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
Garmin MPS
Topo map for printing:
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to
NE SLC resources