Looking west on the western DH trail in Clear Creek. Photos and mapping by Bruce...
Looking west on the western DH trail in Clear Creek. Photos and mapping by Bruce on May 25, 2023.
Clear Creek (Middle Applecross) MTB Trail System
The Applecross MTB system lies along North Fork Road, reached on Highway 9 just one mile east of Zion National Park. When complete, there will be around 35 miles of singletrack trail in the system. This page discusses the trails in Clear Creek Canyon. Trails range from easy to difficult. At 6400 feet elevation, the expected riding season will be late May through October.
In May 2023, trail markers were not installed. I believe the trails are now fully marked, but if not, you'll need to know where you're going and have a good nose for sniffing out the right paths.

The Clear Creek trails are linked to the North Fork Road and the upper Applecross trails via the Canyon Connection trail. The Canyon Connection passes through Clear Creek Canyon then runs eastward to reach the lower Applecross group of trails. See those trail pages for further riding options.

Looking northeast from the Canyon Connection trail while descending into Clear C...
Looking northeast from the Canyon Connection trail while descending into Clear Creek from the lower trailhead.
Manzanita and pinion line the lariat loop on the northern side of the canyon.
Manzanita and pinion line the lariat loop on the northern side of the canyon.
This part of the Applecross system includes Canyon Connection (which arrives from the lower Applecross trails and descends the southern side of the Clear Creek Canyon then climbs from Clear Creek up to the North Fork Road), an easy lariat loop on the northern edge of the canyon called Baby Ridge, a tech traversing trail on the border of the cliff called Wile E Coyote, and two top-to-bottom trails (Road Runner and Aces High) that most riders will use as downhills.
Trailheads and Access
Upper trailhead.
Upper trailhead.
Upper Applecross Trailhead Turn onto the North Fork Road from Highway 9 about one mile east of Zion National Park. Drive 4 miles uphill. Shortly after a connecting trail crosses the road, turn to the right and drive uphill into the parking area. The parking zone is organized as two loops with multiple small "parking lots" along the loop. This trailhead has a nice bathroom with flush toilets and sinks. To get to the middle trail group, fork downhill to the right after you ride past the trail kiosk. Cross the road and continue downhill.
Roadside parking just downhill from the upper Applecross system.
Roadside parking just downhill from the upper Applecross system.
Roadside upper parking

This parking area is just below the Ring Around the Rosie trail of the upper Applecross system and 0.5 miles above the connector singletrack to the top of the Clear Creek trails. Drive 3.2 miles uphill from Highway 9 on North Fork Road. Turn left into a large gravel parking area. From this parking area, coast 0.5 miles downhill and spot a singletrack that crosses the road. (If you see a dirt road on your right, you went 100 feet past it.) Turn to the right and the singletrack will take you to the main loop. (The entry to the upper Applecross system is through a squeeze chute in a log fence, 100 yards up the road from the parking area at the apex of the turn.)

Lower Applecross trailhead, looking north.
Lower Applecross trailhead, looking north.
Lower Trailhead
This trailhead is located on North Fork Road, just one mile outside the eastern border of Zion National Park off Highway 9. From inside Zion, drive uphill and out of the eastern gate, then a mile later turn left onto the North Fork (Zion Ponderosa) road. If you're coming from US-89, turn westbound at the Carmel Junction onto Highway 9. Drive 11 miles then turn right on the North Fork road.

About 0.2 miles after turning onto the North Fork road, there's a fenced parking strip on your left.

Pedal through the opening in the fence, then turn left onto the Little Dipper trail. Ride Little Dipper around the hill, then up the Waterpocket Creek canyon to the upper end of thelower Applecross system. It will be 1.1 miles to a 4-way trail intersection. Turn to the left on Canyon Connection, and it will take you to Clear Creek.
Four-way trail intersection. Far left is Bison Escape. Behind us is the connecto...
Four-way trail intersection. Far left is Bison Escape. Behind us is the connector to Clear Creek Ranch. Ahead left is Little Dipper, and ahead right is Canyon Connection.
The connector trail for ranch patrons enters the juniper forest.
The connector trail for ranch patrons enters the juniper forest.
Ranch Access Trail
Across the North Fork Road from the ranch main entry is a gate into a meadow. Turn right after you go through the gate and follow the path west into the junipers. In 0.2 miles, you'll come to a 4-way trail fork. Keep right for the Canyon Connection trail. (The other trails are Bison Escape and Little Dipper.) This will take you to Clear Creek.
Canyon Connection from the Upper Trailhead
When riding the Canyon Connection trail from the Upper Trailhead, it's 1/10th mile down to the North Fork Road. Find the continuing trail on the other side. 100 yards from the road is a trail fork, where you should go right. (The left trail is Canyon Connection, climbing from the bottom of the canyon.) Just a bit further down the trail is a fork with three trail choices.
Looking from the connecting trail to the loop fork. On the left is the climbing ...
Looking from the connecting trail to the loop fork. On the left is the climbing trail (one-way, do not enter). To the right, the trail goes 50 yards to a three-way split where you can select your adventure.
Left to right: DH, tech traversing, lariat loop.
Left to right: DH, tech traversing, lariat loop.
At this three-way fork, the left-most trail is Aces High. It drops to the bottom of the canyon, joining Road Runner for a short while on the way down.

The trail in the middle is a tech traversing trail called Wile E Coyote that follows the edge of the canyon. From the end of this trail, you can transfer to Baby Ridge, or drop down Roadrunner, an intermediate DH trail.

The trail to the right is the entry to the Baby Ridge lariat loop ride, an easy cruise that loops around the canyon edge. (See below for details on these trails.)

Canyon Connection Trail from the Lower Trailhead (Little Dipper to Clear Creek)
Rolling around the head of Waterpocket Creek, just below the North Fork Road, sh...
Rolling around the head of Waterpocket Creek, just below the North Fork Road, shortly after leaving Little Dipper.
The Canyon Connection trail links the lower Applecross riding area to the upper trailhead, passing through Clear Creek Canyon on the way. It's 1.8 miles from the top of Little Dipper to the bridge over Clear Creek in the bottom of the canyon. Here it offers connections to Road Runner and Aces High. As it nears the North Fork Road a mile later, it connects to the stem of the Baby Ridge loop before continuing across the road to the upper trailhead.

From Little Dipper, the trail rolls through a rough area as it descends to Waterpocket Creek then climbs up the other side. Keep straight and right at the trail fork with the Ridge Runner trail (if you even see it; it's pretty sketchy).

Meandering west.
Meandering west.
We've arrived at the canyon edge.
We've arrived at the canyon edge.
The trail will now gradually climb as it heads west through meadows and groves of pinion and juniper.

The trail arrives at the edge of Clear Creek Canyon and veers left along the canyon edge. Then it drops down the hillside through a series of switchbacks. The trail is a machined bench-cut. There's a bit of up-and-down riding between the switchback turns.

The trail bobs up and down as it clings to the steep side-slope.
The trail bobs up and down as it clings to the steep side-slope.
Things are looking much greener on the lower elevations.
Things are looking much greener on the lower elevations in Clear Creek Canyon.
The turns are engineered for bicycles. The turning radius is quite generous, considering the steepness of the hillside.

As you descend, enjoy the frequent views into Zion National Park to the west and Clear Creek Mountain to the northeast. On this north-facing slope, the pinion are larger. There will be an occasional fir, with an understory of manzanita and gooseberry.

Looking north as the Canyon Connection trail arrives at the climbing trail.
Looking north as the Canyon Connection trail arrives at the climbing trail.
At the bottom of the canyon, the trail turns east to run uphill along Clear Creek. Ignore the first bridge across the creek. That bridge is one-way for riders coming downhill and crossing over to the Canyon Connection trail. The second bridge will take you to the climbing trail, where you'll go up to the top of Clear Creek Canyon.
Canyon Connection Trail (Clear Creek to Baby Ridge)
Heading west up the climbing trail.
Heading west up the climbing trail.
The Canyon Connection climbing trail begins at the uphill bridge over Clear Creek. Here riders who descended the DH route all the way to the bottom, and riders coming from downhill switchbacks of the Canyon Connection trail, will begin their climb uphill. This is a two-way trail.
The trail is fairly easy to ride but has a sustained pitch. It's 0.9 miles long, with a bit over 300 vertical feet of elevation gain.

At 0.3 miles from the creek, keep to the right and uphill as the bottom of Roadrunner joins.

From the climbing trail, were looking south across Clear Creek Canyon. You can s...
From the climbing trail, we're looking south across Clear Creek Canyon. You can see the path of Canyon Connection.
Almost to the top.
Almost to the top.
At the top of the climbing trail, it joins the stem of the Baby Ridge lariat loop trail. Turn right to head for North Fork Road or the upper Applecross system. Keep straight to head for the Aces High, Wile E Coyote, or the Baby Ridge lariat loop.
Baby Ridge (Easy Loop)
The trail is a broad bench-cut on a flat area above the edge of the canyon.
The trail is a broad bench-cut on a flat area above the edge of the canyon.
At the three-way split on the connecting trail (see the trail description above), take the right fork to enter the stem of the lariat loop. In 200 feet, the trail will split into a loop. I rode it counterclockwise by forking to the right.
The loop is 1.7 miles long, with very little elevation change. The trail circles around to follow the edge of the canyon. It's a fairly smooth bench-cut, suitable for beginning riders.
The Navajo sandstone cliffs of Zion National Park can be glimpsed from the trail...
The Navajo sandstone cliffs of Zion National Park can be glimpsed from the trail.
View across the canyon.
View across the canyon.
On the canyon edge, the loop lies above the tech trail (see below) and runs exactly parallel to it. At mile 1.2 of the counterclockwise loop, there are two short connectors that tie the loop to the tech trail below. Each connector trail turns the rider 180 degrees as you "swap trails." It appears that one connector is to turn uphill from the tech trail to join the loop going counterclockwise, while the other seems designed to take a rider off the loop onto the DH trail.
Wile E Coyote (Technical traversing trail to Roadrunner)
This trail runs along the break where the flat area drops off into the canyon.
This trail runs along the "break" where the flat area drops off into the canyon.
At the three-way trail split (see above), the center trail is an often-narrow, often techy traverse on the edge of the canyon. It runs parallel to the lariat loop ride described above.

The Wile E Coyote trail is 0.5 miles long. The tread is much more narrow than the loop that lies just above it. There are intermittent rock challenges.

Approaching a rock-drop.
Approaching a rock-drop.
A bike-handling challenge.
A bike-handling challenge.
This rock ramp is the connector between the Baby       Ridge lariat loop and the Wile E Coyote tech trail.
This rock ramp is the connector between the Baby Ridge lariat loop and the Wile E Coyote tech trail.
The end of this trail segment comes with two connectors to the Baby Ridge trail above. It appears that one connector is designed to take you uphill to the loop, but change your direction. The other takes riders from the loop and reverses their direction to drop them onto the top of the Roadrunner DH trail, which continues where Wile E Coyote ends.
Roadrunner (usually done as a DH)
Looking down the trail through a few wiggles and bumps. Not too steep here.
Looking down the trail through a few wiggles and bumps. Not too steep here.
The Roadrunner trail starts as a continuation of the Wile E Coyote trail, at the point where there are two direction-reversing connectors located close together. This DH is 1.1 miles long, if you follow it all the way to the bridge over Clear Creek. (There's a connector that links over to the climbing trail without descending all the way down to the creek.) Your descending will be 350 vertical feet, from an elevation of 6400 feet to 6050.
This route is appropriate for upper-intermediates. Some of the pitches and turns are relatively steep. The nature of the soil here makes the turns a bit loose. Go with the flow and roll them. If you try to check your speed in the middle of a turn, you're going to side-slip.
Rolling into a sharp and steep turn.
Rolling into a sharp and steep turn.
From lower down, were looking across Clear Creek.
From lower down, we're looking across Clear Creek.
On the way downhill, the Aces High trail joins on your left at mile 0.5.

At mile 0.8 there's a trail fork. The trail to the left will take you to the Canyon Connector northbound climbing trail. This "link" trail is only 1/10th mile long. When you reach the climbing trail, turn hard left uphill to climb out of the canyon.

If you continue downhill at the trail fork at mile 0.8, you'll descend to Clear Creek. Cross the bridge at mile 1.1 of the descent. If you're headed south on Canyon Connection, turn right to begin your climb up the south side of the canyon. This route will take you to the lower Applecross trails.

If you're going back uphill on the Clear Creek trails, turn to the left as you cross the bridge. In 50 yards, the trail will turn onto a second bridge. You're now on the northbound Canyon Connection trail, headed for the top of the northern rim of the canyon.

Bridge to the Canyon Connection trail. Use it for a loop, or to head for the low...
Bridge to the Canyon Connection trail. Use it for a loop, or to head for the lower Applecross system.
Aces High (intermediate two-way trail)
Heading south downhill. The climbing trail is on the opposite side of this ravin...
Heading south downhill. The climbing trail is on the opposite side of this ravine.
At the three-way trail split described above, take the left-hand trail. The Aces High trail will descend 0.4 miles, joining Roadrunner to continue downhill (see above).
This downhill seems significantly easier than the western Roadrunner DH. I'd rate it for intermediate riders. An experienced beginner could manage.

The combined trail will then descend another 0.3 miles to the short link trail over to the climbing trail, or 0.6 miles down to the bridge across the creek. For navigation instructions, see the Roadrunner description above.

Compared to the western DH route, this descent is relatively tame.
Compared to the western DH route, this descent is relatively tame.
area map
View of the middle group of Applecross trails.
Getting there:
Lower Trailhead: From inside Zion National Park, it's around one mile outside the east gate. Turn left onto the North Fork (Zion Ponderosa) road. From US-89, turn westbound at the Carmel Junction on Highway 9. Drive 11 miles then turn right on the North Fork road as above. About 0.2 miles after turning onto the North Fork road, there's a fenced parking strip on your left. To reach the upper trails, take Little Dipper to Canyon Connector.
Upper Trailhead: Drive three miles uphill from Highway 9 on North Fork Road. Shortly after a trail crosses the road, turn to the right into a large parking area. Turn to the right downhill as the trail splits as you pedal east from the parking area.
Roadside parking: Drive 3.2 miles uphill from Highway 9 on North Fork Road. Turn left into a large gravel parking area. The trail entry is in a log fence, 100 yards further uphill at the apex of the turn in the road. (From this parking area, you can also get to the top of the Clear Creek connector by coasting 0.5 miles downhill to singletrack on your right.)
Roadside spot above Clear Creek (unofficial).
Drive 2.7 miles uphill from Highway 9 on North Fork Road. As the road turns slowly to the right, pass a gravel road on your left, then turn into a second (gated) dirt road on the left. Immediately hook to the left for a single parking spot just off the road. The access trail crosses the road 100 feet uphill. To get to the upper trails, find singletrack on your right. It will take you up to a turn-around area of a dirt road. Keep right and you'll find singletrack that will take you to the southwest corner of the Elliptical loop. For the Clear Creek trails, go 100 feet on North Fork Road as above but turn left onto singletrack and descend to the main trail fork.

Bathroom at upper trailhead.
Other trails in this system: Upper Applecross    Lower Applecross