Captain Ahab is a one-way trail in the Amasa Back riding area . It must be reached via the Amasa Back or Hymasa trails. This singletrack requires good technical skills, confidence, and strength. It's a great ride, but it's not a cruiser. It was designed as an expert-level singletrack.
The singletrack is 4.3 miles in length. While it's one-way, it's not really a "DH" downhill trail. From the ridgeline 2.7 miles up Amasa Back it will descend 300 feet in elevation, but up-and-down riding tallies almost 1000 vertical feet of climbing over the course of the trail.
There are great views all along the way, and fabulous-forever views at the top. Add those views to the riding, and every rider I've talked to absolutely loves Captain Ahab.

A ride directly up Amasa to Captain Ahab and looping back will be 8 miles and 1800 vertical feet of climbing. Alternate: climb via the new Hymasa singletrack.
I'll also describe an Epic Tour of Amasa for 17 miles and 3000 vertical feet. This is a monster ride, hitting all of Amasa, Pothole Arch, Rockstacker, and Captain Ahab.

Navigation for the short loop is straight-forward. Ride the Amasa Back trail 2.7 miles to the ridgeline, fork left on Captain Ahab, and follow it back to Amasa.

At the bottom is a big drop. There's a sneaker route on the far right.

At mile 2.3, keep right as the connector to Ahab's midpoint veers off on your left. Or go left if you're looking for the short-short version of the ride.

Plan to bring fresh legs and an aggressive attitude. If you want cruising on similar sandstone, try Bull Run and Little Canyon . This trail seems designed to serve up fun challenges. Don't plan to mosey along with your butt on the seat.

At mile 7.0, you'll rejoin Amasa. Want another loop?

The Epic Tour of Amasa is harder than it sounds. You'll already be tired when you hit the climbing on Captain Ahab.
The ride is a figure-eight with a couple of loose threads. Take Amasa to the viewpoint and back to the Pothole Arch trail. (The little out-and-back is a "loose thread" on the figure-eight.) Take Pothole Arch out to its viewpoint and back to Rockstacker . (Another loose thread.)

0.0 Exit parking, uphill on road N38 31.710 W109 35.705
0.6 Drop R off road N38 31.435 W109 36.096
0.7 Take air off ledge, turn right on DT
Alt = ST straight shortcut
0.8 Cross creek N38 31.589 W109 36.080
1.0 Turn R (L = exit from Captain Ahab)
N38 31.521 W109 36.261
2.3 R at fork (L = mid-way Ahab connector)
N38 31.057 W109 36.804
N38 31.098 W109 37.114
4.9 Cross connector
N38 30.809 W109 36.594
7.0 R downhill on Amasa
N38 31.521 W109 36.261
7.2 Cross creek
7.5 L downhill on road
8.0 Back at parking
0.0 Exit parking, uphill on road N38 31.710 W109 35.705
0.6 Drop R off road on Amasa Back
N38 31.435 W109 36.096
0.7 Take air off ledge, turn right on DT
Alt = ST straight shortcut
0.8 Cross creek N38 31.589 W109 36.080
1.0 Turn R (L = exit from Captain Ahab)
N38 31.521 W109 36.261
2.3 R at fork (L = mid-way Ahab connector)
N38 31.057 W109 36.804
2.7 R on DT (L = Captain Ahab)
N38 31.098 W109 37.114
2.8 L (straight), R = to view
N38 31.161 W109 37.126
3.0 Cliffside along Jackson Not-Hole
3.7 Pass Portage connector, keep straight (R)
N38 31.721 W109 37.678
(L=cliff scramble down into Jackson Hole)
3.8 Keep L at fork (R = Jackson ST)
N38 31.761 W109 37.756
4.3 Straight (or R = jeep route)
N38 31.788 W109 38.198
4.5 Keep L on Amasa (L = Pothole Arch trail)
N38 31.876 W109 38.369
N38 31.619 W109 38.554
5.5 L on Pothole Arch
N38 31.876 W109 38.369
6.6 Keep L (straight) to Pothole Arch
N38 32.533 W109 38.449
7.4 At Pothole Arch - head back
N38 33.106 W109 38.448
8.2 L on Rockstacker
N38 32.533 W109 38.449
9.9 L uphill on DT, cross ridge
(R = Jackson ST)
N38 31.747 W109 37.594
10.2 L on Amasa
N38 31.761 W109 37.756
11.3 R onto Captain Ahab
N38 31.096 W109 37.113
13.5 Cross midway connector
N38 30.812 W109 36.597
15.6 Join Amasa, downhill
N38 31.521 W109 36.261
15.8 Cross creek
16.0 L down Kane Creek Rd
16.6 Back at parking

Head south on Moab's Main Street. When you reach the McDonald's on your right, turn right onto Kane Creek Blvd. After 0.6 miles, go straight where the road seems to turn right (500 West). Drive along the Colorado River about 5 miles until the road turns to gravel, and head uphill about 2/3 mile. Watch for the "Amasa Back Parking" area at GPS N 38° 31.329' W 109° 35.501'. Park here. Pedal further up the gravel road 1/2 mile, and turn right onto the trail at the sign.
Riding resources:
Printable one-page ride
summary (simple loop)
Epic Ride one-page summary
GPS track files (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
GPX area
Captain Ahab
track only
and down (short loop)
Amasa-Pothole-Rockstacker-Ahab Epic
Topo map for printing:
high-res map
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to Moab area