The I Street Bike Park is located at the top of the Avenues area of Salt Lake City. The riding area is only around 150 yards wide, but it's packed with multiple lines leading to tons of jumps. It can be reached directly from the 18th Avenue trailhead, or via the City Creek section of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail .

This is not a formal over-engineered park where every stunt was carefully planned and precisely placed, then set in stone for all time. The jumps were built by riders and are maintained by volunteer diggers. And it's constantly evolving.

You can also reach this trail by taking the right-most trail from the main drop-in. This trail will traverse across a shallow ridge at the top of the park.

Fun stuff for truly expert riders -- youngsters who have yet to separate both their AC joints and who still own many non-broken ribs. And who have many fewer years of wear and tear than some of us. Expect to spend some time learning the lines.

In northern Salt Lake City, turn off South Temple onto I Street northbound (uphill). Continue uphill until the road turns to the left and becomes North Hills Drive westbound. Follow it around the turn to go east again. It will then become 18th Avenue. Just after the church, watch for Hilltop Road on your left. Go up to the parking area.
No bathroom or water at trailhead.
Map note: the tracks on this map are simply my own meanders as I explored the park and do not correspond exactly to "official" trails.
Trail Resources!
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
GPX multi track area file
Topo map region for printing:
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to
NE SLC resources