One-way trails for beginners and kids
The Rodeo DH trails are located in Herriman, just 1/2 mile uphill from the popular Blackridge Pond recreation site. These two short and easy trails are intended for children and true beginners. With the information on this page, parents may find it easier to decide on this activity. For details about the connected trails, see the pages on lower Blackridge and the upper Blackridge trails.
The trail area is 100% sun-exposed and will get warm on summer afternoons. The trails dry quickly after rain. The usual riding season will be mid-April through November, but the trails may occasionally be clear for standard bike traffic in winter.

On the way uphill at mile 0.4, you'll first pass the trail fork to Sidewinder . Keep left. Next comes the exit from the Rodeo DH trails. Keep left on the hairpin turn. The trail sign here could be a bit more clear. Even the "No Uphill Riding" part can be easily overlooked, or misunderstood because the trail is fairly flat at this point and newbs to the system may not know which end goes "uphill." This trail exit needs a dedicated sign that says Do Not Enter. Maybe it will have one by the time you ride.
The Rodeo DH entry immediately splits into two trails called Buckaroo and Mutton Bustin'. The trail on the right, Mutton Bustin', is shorter and significantly easier. I suggest it be the first trip down the mountain for your kids.

The Mutton Bustin' trail is 0.2 miles long. It has a steady and gentle rate of descent as it winds back and forth across the hillside. At this time, any embedded rocks are small and don't require that a child stand on the pedals to bump over them.
Mutton Bustin' rejoins Buckaroo just before the trails exit onto Blackridge. The climb back uphill to the top of Rodeo DH is 0.3 miles with less than 50 feet of total climbing.

Buckaroo is the left-hand choice. It is 0.3 miles long, with the same 50 feet of vertical descent over its length. There are some flattish sections that will require pedaling.
Each lap around the system is around 1/2 mile. Two times down each trail would make a good day for most kids. The open terrain lets you keep an eye on multiple children who are riding at their own pace.

Bathrooms, water, playground and shaded picnic facilities are at Blackridge Pond. There are several parking spots at the far (uphill) end of the parking strip that are reserved for trail users.
Good choice for an introduction to dirt. And Blackridge Pond offers fun after-ride activity for the family.

Fees: Beginning in 2024, there is a $15 fee to park at Blackridge Reservoir on weekends and holidays from May until mid-September!