Looking southeast while riding the loop clockwise.       That's Mount Timpanogos in Utah County at mid-right.
Looking southeast while riding the loop clockwise. That's Mount Timpanogos in Utah County at mid-right.
Beware Of Doug

The Beware of Doug loop, new in 2024, has the honor of being the highest-elevation trail in the Corner Canyon and Traverse Mountain systems. Because of its location, you'll have views of both Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley, as well as the surrounding mountains.

Initial review and photos September 30, 2024 by Bruce.

The loop is two-way, 0.9 miles in length. It intersects the old Deer Ridge doubletrack at the top elevation of 6450 feet, and again at the lowest spot on the loop at 6350 feet.

The expected riding season will be late May through October.

Looking west as the loop crosses doubletrack at the       ride's highest point. The trail is marked with wooden signs as seen here.
Looking west as the loop crosses doubletrack at the ride's highest point. The trail is marked with wooden signs as seen here.
Looking south on doubletrack. This is on the climb up       Dry Canyon from the Bonneville Shoreline Trail in Lehi.
Looking south on doubletrack. This is on the climb up Dry Canyon from the Bonneville Shoreline Trail in Lehi.
At the time of this review, you'll need to connect to the loop via doubletrack. See the trailhead directions below for details on finding your way to Beware of Doug.

Many riders use the doubletrack on both sides of Beware of Doug to make a loop ride that includes western Ann's Trail, Traverse Traverse, and Mayors Trail from the Deer Ridge (or upper Maple Hollow) trailhead.

The trail is machine-built on a hillside covered in gambel oak. There are frequent breakout views. The grade is gentle. The trail surface is suitable for beginners. Although there's a hiking-only trail that makes the same circuit around the hill, you'll find a lot of foot traffic on Beware of Doug.
Looking north over the Salt Lake Valley as the trail       curves around the hillside.
Looking north over the Salt Lake Valley as the trail curves around the hillside.
View east toward Lone Peak and Suncrest from the       southern side of the loop.
View east toward Lone Peak and Suncrest from the southern side of the loop.
You can get to the loop from either Draper's Corner Canyon trail system, or from Traverse Mountain's trails. A lot of riders are now inserting a loop-de-loop around Beware of Doug into a longer loop ride through the area's trails.
Trailheads and access

Fox Canyon trailhead in Traverse Mountain

Looking west from the trailhead parking lot. The       access trail turns around 180 degrees as it starts uphill.
Looking west from the trailhead parking lot. The access trail turns around 180 degrees as it starts uphill.
The main access point for those who drive to the Traverse Mountain trails is the new paved trailhead in Fox Canyon. Turn onto the Fox Canyon road and drive to the top of the pavement. There's parking for around 20 vehicles, with a toilet and other amenities planned. The trail entry is on the northern wing of the parking complex. At the northwest corner, find a paved strip leading uphill to a dirt doubletrack (which then turns to the right uphill).

Follow the dirt road 100 yards uphill to where the Sensei trail crosses. Depending on your ride plan, you can reach Mayors trail in either direction by connecting via Sensei then either Mo-mentum and Traverse Traverse, or via Sensei south and westbound to Lolo's. See below for additional navigation instruction.

Via Sensei, Lolo's, and Mayors Trail using Deer Ridge Doubletrack
Looking north as we leave Mayor's Trail to head for Beware of Doug.
Looking north as we leave Mayor's Trail to head for Beware of Doug.
From the Fox Canyon trailhead, climb south on Sensei to Lolo's. When you reach Lolo's highest point, turn hard left onto Mayors Trail. At mile 3.5 and 900 vertical feet from the trailhead, you'll reach a trail fork where Lehi's Dream forks away to the left and Mayors trail turns downhill. Veer slightly to your right to get up onto the doubletrack and head northeast around the gate.

After 1/4 mile of gentle climbing, keep straight and to the right to pass the Deer Ridge Road on your left. Keep straight as a DT spur heads uphill on your right. At mile 0.3, Beware of Doug crosses the doubletrack. Go either way. (The trail sign that you can see 100 yards further east is a hiking-only trail.)

Via Ann's Trail from Deer Ridge (or upper Maple Hollow) trailhead
Looking west in the Deer Ridge trailhead parking       strip.
Looking west in the Deer Ridge trailhead parking strip.

Get onto Deer Ridge Drive at the top of Suncrest. Drive west for just under one mile. As you reach Deer Ridge trailhead, keep straight into the parking area. This trailhead includes bathrooms, water, and other resources. (Alternate: Turn to the right at Elk Glen Drive as you reach the trailhead sign, then turn left into the Maple Hollow trailhead parking area.)

Go north on the singletrack at the picnic table on the edge of the parking strip. At the Maple Hollow trailhead, turn left, then left again, then left again onto Ann's Connector. In 1.1 miles, turn left onto Ann's trail and pedal 0.9 miles to the trail fork for Traverse Traverse. Turn uphill and ride the "wiggles" up to the top of the ridge. At mile 1.3 from the trail fork, you'll reach a doubletrack on a ridgeline. Cross over, then turn to the left onto Mayors trail. Climb 1.6 miles to the top, then turn hard left onto doubletrack heading northeast. Pedal 0.6 miles to the loop.

Via Deer Ridge Doubletrack from Deer Ridge trailhead
Looking uphill on Deer Ridge doubletrack at the edge of the trailhead. Note the water-bottle filler and bike-washing stations!
Looking uphill on Deer Ridge doubletrack at the edge of the trailhead. Note the water-bottle filler and bike-washing stations!
At the stop sign in Suncrest, get on Deer Ridge Drive (right turn from SLC, straight from Utah Co). Go 0.9 miles and enter the Deer Ridge trailhead. After parking, pedal uphill to the far west end of the trailhead. Begin your climb uphill on the wide gravel road. After one mile, turn left on a smaller doubletrack and climb 1/4 mile uphill to where the Beware of Doug loop crosses.

If you need to park at the Maple Hollow trailhead, you can catch the Highland Connector singletrack to connect over to Deer Ridge. On the singletrack, first turn left (south) for 50 feet, then fork right. The sign at this trail fork says Telegraph Trail, but this is NOT the hiking-only part. This trail will take you 1/10th mile south to the Deer Ridge trailhead, where you'll turn to the right uphill. (If you hit an underpass, you're on the South Maple Hollow trail. Go back and try again.)

Via Bonneville Shoreline and Dry Canyon road
View into Dry Canyon from the BST.
View into Dry Canyon from the BST.
On the Bonneville Shoreline Trail 1.8 mile from the Brookside (lower Maple Hollow) trailhead, or 0.4 miles from 400 East parking, turn uphill on the doubletrack Dry Canyon road. It will become a grunt, rising 800 vertical feet in 1.2 miles. (Most riders who use this DT will make it the downhill limb of a loop ride.)

As you reach a wide saddle area, you'll join a doubletrack with the Mayors Trail and Lehi's Dream on the other side.  Turn to the right on the doubletrack. Go around the gate to begin climbing toward Beware of Doug.

After 1/4 mile of gentle climbing, keep straight and to the right to pass the Deer Ridge Road on your left. Keep straight as a DT spur heads uphill on your right. At mile 0.3, Beware of Doug crosses the doubletrack. Go either way. (The trail sign that you can see 100 yards further east is a hiking-only trail.)

Beware of Doug loop trail
Entering the loop clockwise from the doubletrack on       the lower side of the trail.
Entering the loop clockwise from the doubletrack on the lower side of the trail.
Beware of Doug is a machine-built loop trail that circles a ridge on Traverse Mountain. The loop will cross a doubletrack at the top and at the bottom, as well as on the northern side of the loop.  This dirt road is your route to the loop from both the Maple Hollow trailhead and from the Mayors Trail. All doubletrack crossings are well-marked with signs as shown.
There's a hiking-only trail called The Rex Maneuver that also circles around the same area. (Yes, somebody is a Far Side fan.) Always check the trail signs to be sure you're not entering the hiking trail when you hit doubletrack.
A view down Fox Canyon, just before entering the loop       from the Traverse Mountain side.
A view down Fox Canyon, just before entering the loop from the Traverse Mountain side.
The trail is machine-built with a smooth riding       surface.
The trail is machine-built with a smooth riding surface.
Although there are occasional embedded rocks, the riding surface is wide and smooth. This ride is suitable for kids and beginners, although the doubletrack climb to the loop can be strenuous for unconditioned riders. It's around 300 vertical feet in just over a mile from Maple Hollow's upper trailhead to the lower side of the loop.
The mountain views are the highlight of this ride. Because the oak brush is usually short, there are almost constant views to the surrounding mountains and the valleys below.
Looking to the east with Box Elder Peak just to the       left of midline.
Looking to the east with Box Elder Peak just to the left of midline.
View of Lone Peak.
View of Lone Peak.
My recommendation for strong riders is to climb from Traverse Mountain's Fox Canyon trailhead. You can go either direction. See the map. At the top of Mayors, do an out-and-around ride on Beware of Doug, then continue with whatever loop you've planned. For expert riders, you have the option of using Lehi's Dream as your return to the bottom.
For mid-level riders, consider starting at upper Maple Hollow. Ride to Ann's Trail, ride the wiggles up Traverse Traverse to the ridgeline, climb Mayors Trail, then go around the loop before dropping back to Maple Hollow on the Deer Ridge DT.
Looking south into Utah County.
Looking south into Utah County.
View north into Salt Lake County. The dirt road below       is access from Maple Hollow.
View north into Salt Lake County. The dirt road below is access from Maple Hollow.
For quick rides with beginning bikers or kids, start at the Maple Hollow Deer Ridge trailhead. It's just under 1-1/2 miles up to the loop. The doubletrack climb can be your warm-up. Plan on a couple of look-around breaks during the climb.
Bottom Line!

Very nice ride with excellent views. At this time, the only downside to this ride is finding your way to it.

Typical view up the trail as we climb uphill on a       clockwise ride.
Typical view up the trail as we climb uphill on a clockwise ride.
Area map
Area map
Getting there, Fox Canyon:
Get onto Traverse Mountain Blvd in Traverse Mountain. North of the elementary school, turn onto the Fox Canyon road and drive to the top of the pavement. There's parking for around 20 vehicles, with a toilet and other amenities planned. The trail entry is on the northern wing of the parking complex.
Deer Ridge: At the 4-way stop at the top of Suncrest, turn west on Deer Ridge Drive. Go around a mile west. Park at the Deer Ridge trailhead. Start uphill on the big gravel service road at the uphill end of the trailhead. This trailhead includes bathrooms, water (including a bike-washing hose), and picnic tables.