Southern Salt Lake City (Sandy to Draper) section
The Bonneville Shoreline Trail (BST) is a series of trails along the slope of the Wasatch Mountains where the old shoreline of Lake Bonneville met the hills. Sections of trail are found from Ogden to Payson. There are a few gaps remaining between trail segments. The Sandy to Draper section begins after a huge gap along Salt Lake City's foothills. This trail sees plenty of foot and bike traffic, because it's "the only game in town" for residents north of Draper.
The northern trailhead is found at Hidden Valley Park in Sandy, just off Wasatch Boulevard around two miles south of Little Cottonwood Canyon. There are two entries to the trail here, both of which fork off the paved trail loop in the park.
To the north there's a doubletrack that climbs stiffly to a more-technical upper trail. A bit further south on the paved loop, a singletrack connector begins a mellower climb. These two options meet as they cross a gravel road -- where the combined trail drops down some wood stair-steps to the Little Willow Creek BST trail bridge
I'm arbitrarily assigning an end to this BST trail segment at the Corner Canyon Road in Draper. (I continue the BST trail description further south and west on the Corner Canyon BST page.) At 1.1 miles up the gravel Corner Canyon Road, there's a big trailhead with bathroom, picnic tables, and shade. You can either drive or pedal to this trailhead. (Note that the gravel road may be closed after winter storms.) Across the road from this trailhead, the northbound BST begins its trip toward Sandy.
There's also access via the Orson Smith trailhead. See that trail page for info...
The photos and ride description on this page will go from south (Draper CC Road) to north (Hidden Valley trailhead). I did it both directions twice in one day and decided I like north-to-south a little better. But if you're making a loop ride (see below) you can ride either direction and it's still good.
This trail section is 3.1 miles long (when done via the upper option at Hidden Valley on the north end). If you ride an out-and-back trip that loops around both connectors to Hidden Valley, the ride will be 6.0 miles with about 300 vertical feet of clmbing.
In technical requirement, this trail is Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde. The southern (Draper) half of the trail is very mellow. The northern (Sandy City) piece is, well, not.
This is a great area for wildflowers in the spring. You're riding on alluvial deposits -- a mixture of rock, sand, and dirt washed down from the mountains into Lake Bonneville -- but with chunks of occasional limestone bedrock sticking through. Lake Bonneville existed from 1 million years ago until around the end of the Ice Age, 10 thousand years ago. The BST follows the "notch" on the mountainside created by this huge deep lake.
This northern half of the trail would rank at least skilled upper-intermediate if not expert. There are sharp rock roll-overs and some steep pitches.
The lower trail is a little harder to spot. It's just a few feet downhill across the chunky gravel road. It's smooth and easy to ride, and will get you down to the paved trail in the park after 0.3 miles.
My suggestion for the out-and-back is to go northbound on the upper trail, drop to the park, then climb southbound back to the trail junction (the fork at the gravel road by Little Willow Creek).
There are some ride variations that you may find fun. These use the Hidden Valley singletrack and Aqueduct trails , or the Orson Smith and Ralph's trails . These trails create options for quick loop rides.
The simplest loop option is to use the BST one direction, and the combined Aqueduct and Hidden Valley trails for the other. Many trail runners must have been doing this exact path, as I passed them on both halves of the loop.
On its south end the BST continues past the Corner Canyon Road trailhead and descends down to the Aqueduct Trail. This closes the south end of the BST-Aqueduct loop. See the ride log below. (And if you're coming uphill from Corner Canyon, this would be your entry spot into the loop ride.)

and returning via Aqueduct and CC BST:
0.0 Uphill side of road, north on ST
N40 30.363 W111 50.078
1.0 Keep R (L = Orson Smith connector)
N40 31.156 W111 49.824
1.1 Keep R (L = Orson Smith)
N40 31.254 W111 49.765
1.4 Cross Bear Canyon bridge
1.5 Keep R (L = Ralph's)
N40 31.475 W111 49.569
2.6 Little Willow Creek road
Cross to upper trail N40 32.117 W111 48.836
(option lower trail a few feet down road)
3.0 Gate, L downhill on DT
N40 32.371 W111 48.579
3.1 L on paved trail N40 32.329 W111 48.716
(Pass BST connector trail in 100 ft)
3.3 L on Hidden Valley ST
N40 32.232 W111 48.837
3.9 Join Aqueduct
N40 31.894 W111 49.306
4.4 Straight (L = Ralph's)
N40 31.596 W111 49.668
4.8 Straight (Orson Smith crosses)
N40 31.314 W111 49.903
5.1 Cross Corner Canyon Road
5.5 Pass Sadler trails N40 30.803 W111 50.234
5.8 Pass Quail ST (on L)
N40 30.428 W111 50.261
6.3 L uphill on BST N40 30.063 W111 50.173
6.6 Keep L (R = Rattler)
N40 30.176 W111 50.076
6.8 Back at trailhead<

Take Wasatch Blvd to Hidden Valley Park, about two miles south of Little Cottonwood Canyon on the east side of the road. (From I-15, take the 90th South exit, which will turn into 94th south as it approaches the mountains. At the mouth of Little Cottonwood, turn right on Wasatch.) The park is located on a curve in the road just past a large church on your left. From the parking area, bike towards the mountain on the paved path. After 100 yards, you should see a "Bonneville Shoreline Trail" sign pointing uphill. This connects via a steep doubletrack to the upper trail. For the lower connector, go further on the paved trail and turn left on singletrack after about 100 feet. (For a loop ride, the Hidden Valley singletrack is another 800 feet south on the paved trail.)
Bonneville Shoreline TH on Corner Canyon Road: From Draper, take 123rd South to 13th East and turn south (right). At the roundabout just down the hill, turn east (the equivalent of a left turn at the roundabout) on Pioneer Road. Go around one mile to 20th East, then turn right going south on Highland Drive. Turn left to the parking lot of Orson Smith Park, but immediately turn right as you enter the parking area. Drive on the gravel Corner Canyon Road 1.1 miles uphill. Turn right into the BST trailhead. Then northbound BST is on the uphill side of the road, across from the trailhead parking entry.
Orson Smith Park: Go to Orson Smith Park as above, but continue into the parking lot. Begin the ride by pedaling up the Corner Canyon Road or the Orson Smith trail.
Bathrooms and water at these trailheads.
Coyote Hollow trailhead: From Traverse Ridge Road, turn to Mike Weir Drive. Drive about a mile until the road veers left downhill. Take the next right turn, turn right again, then left. You should now be on Gray Fox Drive. Take the next right into Coyote Hollow Court. The parking is on the right at the end of the pavement. After entering singletrack, keep left until you find yourself descending on doubletrack. As you reach an intersection, the BST is straight ahead. Keep heading northeast and downhill until you reach the bridge, then climb the BST. See the Corner Canyon BST page.
From Alpine: From Alpine, you can bike over the ridge from the Hog Hollow trail. Run about 2 miles down the Corner Canyon road to the trailhead. Feel free to substitute bits of Ghost Falls and Rattler for the road, and you'll join the BST just below the Corner Canyon Road trailhead.
Printable one-page guide to this trail
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
GPX BST Sandy-Draper
Loop ride above
Multi-track Draper Area file
Go to Draper Area Trails overview page
Satellite map in new window for printing: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to southern SLC resources