Bruce the Mad Scientist rolls along the BST above Salt Lake City. Photo by Matt Flygare, January 22, 2000. Latest update to this page September 10, 2021.
Bonneville Shoreline Trail
City Creek to Dry Gulch.
The Bonneville Shoreline Trail is a series of trails along the slope of the Wasatch Mountains
where the old shoreline of Lake Bonneville met the hills. Sections of trail are found from
Brigham City to Payson. The northern Salt Lake City section extends from City Creek Canyon
to Emigration Canyon.
This page covers the BST between City Creek Canyon on the west and Dry Gulch (near the U of
U) on the east. This area has become more complex with new trail construction
and the designation
of bike-only, hiking-only, and one-way trails. The goal is to provide
more recreational opportunity
while keeping hikers and downhill mountain bikers separated where possible.
As of September
2021, this is still a work in progress.

Climbing away from the pavilion City Creek trailhead on the new uphill-only East City Creek BST.

Looking west over the northern Salt Lake Valley from the Bonneville Bench (near the 18th Street trailhead).
The City Creek to Dry Gulch segment is 7 miles long, and you'll climb around 1300 vertical
feet on a one-way ride. For riders who are new to the area, navigation
can be confusing. This
is particularly true when riding from west to east. In 2021 there are
very few trail signs,
and those that exist are not very helpful. A GPS-enabled navigation app
is strongly recommended.
Although some of the more difficult bits of the BST have been rebuilt, there are still some
fairly stiff fall-line climbing pitches with loose round rocks. So while
much of the trail
is very easy riding, overall this trail earns an intermediate rating.

Contouring the hillside on a very easy section of the BST.
West to East navigation from City Creek to Dry Gulch!

Just getting started. Passing through wild elm and box elder as we leave Bonneville Blvd.
Start on the singletrack across the street from the pavilion parking area on one-way Bonneville
Blvd in City Creek. You'll need to access it from the intersection of
11th Avenue with B Street.
(Note that the old BST at the City Creek Road turnoff is now a one-way
downhill-only trail.
So if you're doing an out-and-back, your descending route will be a different
trail from the
outgoing climb.)
The initial climb is fairly steady exertion on the one-way City Creek BST. You'll gain 500
vertical feet. The trail is bench-cut dirt with a bit of loose alluvial
rock. This section
of climbing can be managed by a strong experienced beginning rider.

The climbing pitch is descent. A few steeper spots may give you some trouble if the surface is loose.

Passing through a gambel oak grove riding east into the morning sun.
This first section of the ride in City Creek Canyon lies in oak and box elder forest. Once
you've reached the Bonneville Bench, the rest of the ride is sun-exposed
grass with occasional
small groves of oak.
After one mile of climbing, pass the
I Street bike park
on your right (at this spot, the downhill trail is just a few feet downhill on your left).

Arriving at the bottom of the I Street bike park. Keep left.

Almost to the Bonneville shelf at mile 1.2 and 450 vertical feet.
Continue uphill until you reach a flat area at the old Lake Bonneville shoreline. Here's where
navigation gets tricky.
At mile 1.3, veer left uphill at the trail fork. (The right fork traverses past the top of
the I Street bike park to the 18th Avenue trailhead.) As you reach the
broad doubletrack, turn
to the left, then pick the right-hand side as the wide trail splits. Your
goal is to work eastbound
into the broad valley on the other side of the wide dirt road.
If you find yourself looking south at a broad path, you went the wrong way. This is the old
reservoir road, and it's now a connector to the 18th Street trailhead.
(This trailhead is used
by both hikers and by riders at the I Street bike park.)I

f this is your handlebar view, you went the wrong way. We're looking down the old reservoir road toward the 18th Avenue trailhead.

This short stretch of trail is the combined 19th Street and BST. The downhill end of the upper 19th Street trail joins on the left at the far side of the valley, while the BST veers to the right up the small canyon.
When you see singletrack on your right across the valley, take it. This little segment of two-way
trail combines the two-way BST with the
19th Avenue
trail. Behind your back, this segment of trail enters the one-way downhill bikes-only final
segment of the 19th Avenue trail -- and it will be your return route if
you're doing the route
At the end of the valley, the
19th Avenue
trail comes in from the left. Keep straight and begin a cruel stretch of climbing on an older,
non-improved segment of the BST.
After 2.1 miles, keep level and straight as a doubletrack from Terrace Hills Drive crosses.

And now we're climbing the canyon past box elder trees.

View of downtown Salt Lake. In the foreground, the 18th Street trailhead is just left of the water tank. The I Street park is to the right of this photo.
At mile 2.5 from the trailhead, turn right at a singletrack trail fork. The left-hand option
goes 100 yards up to join the 19th Avenue trail for a shorter ride option.
At mile 3, keep straight as a connector from Terrace Hills Drive joins on the downhill side.
At mile 3.5, there's a 180-degree turn onto
, which lies just uphill from the BST. 19th Avenue is a one-way, bikes-only return route to
the bottom of City Creek.

View along the BST as we approach Bobsled.

Looking east.
At mile 3.7, pass the entry into the
downhill trail.
4.7 miles from City Creek, pass the Tomahawk downhill trail on your right, then at mile 5.5
pass the Limekiln Gulch trail, descending on your right.
The trail will then descend into Dry Gulch, turn southbound, and descend back to the city.
Be cautious on this descent! You're sharing the trail with dogs and people!
At mile 7, you're at the bottom. You can continue on the BST southeast or turn around for an
out-and-back (2500 vertical feet, 14 miles). Or, fork right and climb
a short distance until
you hit the
paved recreation
trail that rolls past Popperton Park
Dump onto the city street next to the trail and head straight until you're on 11th Avenue.
Continue until 11th turns right on Bonneville Drive, then roll on back
to the trailhead in
City Creek. The road return is a bit under 3 miles, making a 10-mile loop.

Matt accelerates to the bottom of Dry Gulch, on his way to catching air (and crashing on the slippery hardpack during the landing) at the trail's exit. January 22, 2000.
East to West navigation from Dry Gulch!

Rob climbs the singletrack heading west past the U Med Center as we head for the climb up Dry Gulch on the BST. April 30, 2002.
The east-to-west navigation is much simpler. (You can divert onto the one-way 19th Avenue trail
at mile 3.5, which I recommend. Even if you stay on the BST, you'll take
the final mile of
the descent into City Creek on 19th Avenue.) Begin by climbing Dry Gulch
from the Avenues trailhead.
Stay on the BST as you pass descending trails into Limekiln
Gulch at mile 1.5 and Tomahawk at mile 2.3 from the bottom of Dry Gulch.
mile 3.3, pass the entry to the

Looking west toward the Oquirrh Mountains as the trail (far right) winds around a canyon during an April ride. The trail descending into the gulch is the Limekiln Gulch trail.

Matt heads uphill on the BST through fresh snow on frozen ground.
At mile 3.5, make your decision: Will you descend the
route or continue on the main BST? I recommend that only slower riders and beginners keep left
at the trail fork and descend the BST. Everybody else should use the bikes-only
19th Avenue
trail to reduce trail-user conflicts.
In the northern section of Salt Lake's Bonneville Shoreline, you're riding on alluvial deposits
-- a mixture of rock, sand, and dirt washed down from the mountains into
Lake Bonneville. Lake
Bonneville existed from 1 million years ago until around the end of the
Ice Age, 10 thousand
years ago.

Mule's Ears bloom along the trail in the spring sunshine. Photo courtesy of Han Kim, May 2003.

Descending the final (steep) stretch into City Creek Canyon. This final mile of trail is both the 19th Avenue trail and the westbound BST.
Regardless of whether you took the BST or
, the routes will recombine near the 18th Avenue trailhead.
You'll take 19th Avenue down into the bottom of City Creek Canyon to the
Peak BST

Map of the BST in SLC from a previous century!
Getting there, City Creek trailhead: From
North Temple, head north uphill on B Street. At 11th Avenue, keep
straight onto the
one-way Bonneville Blvd (no passing: the left lane is for bikers and pedestrians).
After 1/10th mile, turn left into the pavilion parking area. The uphill
BST is just across the road from parking.
Ensign Peak/19th Avenue: Continue to drive downhill on Bonneville Blvd to the small parking area at the bottom of the canyon. If you go past the paved City Creek Canyon road,
you've gone too far.
Terrace Hills: On 11th Avenue, turn uphill onto Terrace
Hills Drive, then immediately turn left into the parking area. From the parking lot, ride 0.65 mile
uphill on Terrace Hills to the trailhead,
on your right at the dead-end. Climb another 0.3 to reach the BST.
Popperton Park: Go east on 11th to Popperton Park. Pedal east on the
paved bike trail until it drops over the shoulder of the foothill into a
wide gravel area. This is the Dry Gulch trailhead GPS N 40° 46.658' W 111°
50.225'. Turn left and begin climbing the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.

hand-drawn map from the old days

Photo courtesy of Han Kim, May 2003.
Red Butte: On Foothill Blvd, turn towards the mountains on Wakara Way. Just
before the entry to Red Butte Gardens, turn right and park anywhere along the
road. Find a "feeder trail" that climbs about 100 yards uphill to the
This is the Place: From Foothill Blvd, turn east on Sunnyside Avenue. Park
near This is the Place monument and find the trailhead on Sunnyside Avenue. Go
northeast around the state park on a steep climb.