through Corner Canyon
In the southeast Salt Lake valley, the Bonneville Shoreline Trail (BST) is completed from Hidden Valley in Sandy to the Flight Park at Point of the Mountain. The "Corner Canyon BST" refers to the segment from the Corner Canyon Road to Coyote Hollow. Because navigation through the Corner Canyon area can be tricky due to multiple trail intersections, this little piece of the BST has its own page. The course of the BST and its intersecting trails will be discussed east to west.
We'll start this segment at the BST Trailhead on the gravel Corner Canyon Road, 1.1 miles uphill from Highland Drive. There's a bathroom, picnic tables, shade, and trail kiosk here. (The northbound BST begins across the road.) Enter the Corner Canyon section from the south side of the BST trailhead parking.

(1) There's a broad doubletrack dropping 90 degrees to the right. That's the route down to the Carolina Hills trailhead. It connects to the Corner Canyon trail in 0.4 miles. That's not the trail you're looking for.
(2) Almost straight ahead and a bit left, the Gasline Trail heads southwest. This nice singletrack joins the Ghost Falls trail after 0.5 miles. But it's also not the trail you want.
(3) A bit to the right and to the west is the continuing BST. That's your way down to the multi-trail intersection area at the bottom of the valley.

From the bridge, your goal is to keep the bike aiming straight. You're pedaling west. On your right is a connector to the Corner Canyon trail. If you fork onto Corner Canyon, it's a mile down to Highland Drive, with a connector to the Creekside trail about 0.1 mile downhill.
Follow the trail into the trees. In 2016, there's an unmarked split in the trail here, which rejoins about 50 feet later. Now you reach a marked trail fork. Keep right. The trail to your left, heading east and slightly uphill, is Canyon Hollow , destined for the top of Traverse Ridge.

Fork left uphill and begin a semi-stiff climb on a trail that winds through thick oak forest. This is the combined Bonneville Shoreline Trail and Clark's Connector. After 1/10th mile of uphill climbing, you'll come to a T intersection. Clark's Trail is across the bridge to your left. Clark's is a one-way uphill-only route to the top of Traverse Ridge. Turn right to continue the BST.
If you're westbound from the Traverse Mountain (Draper) section of the BST, here's your navigation:
90 degrees left just before the bridge of Clark's
0.1 later, keep R (L = Coyote TH)
50 feet, keep L (R = Canyon Hollow)
Descend broad trail, keeping straight east-northeast
Cross the DT intersection, keep straight until you see the bridge
Climb the ST, with a little piece of DT in the middle.

From the Clark's intersection, the BST begins a modest but steady climb as it contours a small canyon to the west. It needs to gain altitude to get above the obscenely-sized mansions on the hillside above the temple.
For trail connections further west, see the Draper BST page .

Coyote Hollow trailhead: From Traverse Ridge Road, turn to Mike Weir Drive. Drive about a mile until the road veers left downhill. Take the next right turn, turn right again, then left. You should now be on Gray Fox Drive. Take the next right into Coyote Hollow Court. The parking is on the right at the end of the pavement. After entering singletrack, the trail fork in 100 feet is the BST. Fork right to go westbound, or keep left to go east and north.
Potato Hill: Take the Bluffdale exit from I-15 and turn east towards the mountains on Highland Drive. At the light at the top of the hill, turn right on Traverse Mountain Road. After one mile, pass Mike Weir Drive on your left. Look for the Potato Hill TH on your left about mile 1.3 from the light.
Red Rock (Mike Weir) trailhead: Leave I-15 and turn right at the light on Traverse Mountain Road. After one mile, turn left onto Mike Weir Drive. The trailhead parking is on your right, 1/2 mile later. A short connector takes you up to the BST.
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
  Corner Canyon BST from CC Road to Clarks
BST CC Road to Sandy
BST Clarks to west end
Multi-track Draper Area file
Go to Draper Area Trails overview page
Map in new window for printing: View
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