13th Hole to Thunderbird Trailhead
The Valhalla trail connects the Thunderbird Gardens trailhead to the middle of the 13th Hole loop. It lies in a beautiful red-rock area east of Cedar City. The ride would rank upper-intermediate in tech requirement. There are a lot of twists and turns and a few rock challenges to navigate.

The Thunderbird Gardens trailhead is at the end of a gravel road that's the continuation of 900 North Street in Cedar City. To find the trail, go past the kiosk for Thor's Hideout at the eastern side of parking (opposite the toilet). Just outside the fence, veer 120 degrees left from Thor's to head north. Keep straight as you cross Lil Ratlr, and you're on your way.

The 13th Hole trailhead on Knoll Street has a bathroom and running water. You'll need to pedal a bit of sidewalk to reach the trail. Climb up the 13th Hole loop in either direction. The Valhalla trail forks away from 13th Hole at a hairpin turn on the southern side of the loop, just before the highest elevation on the loop.

Very fun trail for experts and upper-intermediates. Can be managed by early-intermediates with a few walk-overs. Beautiful scenery. It's a short ride, best as an add-on ride to Thor's Hideout and Lightning Switch/Ghost Flats, or as an early-morning or late-afternoon quickie.

Thunderbird Trailhead: When southbound on I-15, take the first Cedar City exit (the same one you'd use to head for Three Peaks) and turn left towards the mountains. The road will make a broad turn to the south to become Main Street in Cedar City. Turn left at 900 North (it will be just as you reach the cemetery on the right-hand side). When you reach the golf course buildings, the pavement ends. Keep straight ahead onto gravel road. Pass a couple of flood-control basins, driving 1.2 miles from Main Street. Park in the fenced white-gravel trailhead area and start your ride eastbound by the trail kiosk. After 150 feet, turn 150 degrees left uphill on singletrack. Keep straight as you cross Lil Ratlr.
Bathrooms at Thunderbird and 13th Hole trailheads.
Water at 13th Hole trailhead.
GPS track files for this trail (right-click and "Save as..."):
Area GPX multi-track file
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