That's me on a nippy January day, warm as toast.
You'll get toasty hot when you're fighting snow and mud. But when you get to a fast downhill,
you'll freeze. It's best to layer so you can adjust your protection. I use fleece-lined tights
worn over a standard lycra biking short. I wear the short because, (1) if I get hot, I can
strip and dump the tights in my CamelBak, (2) I can drop the mud-covered tights and shoes on
the porch, and go into the house clean, and (3) on a fast downhill, a sweaty crotch can cool
down VERY quickly if there's only one layer. I wear a standard bike jersey over a very thin
wool-acrylic long-sleeved upper body tight. I'm OK down to 20 degrees. If I'll be doing some
fast downhill, or if there's a nippy wind, I add a nylon shell (1-layer, no insulation).
A thin earband will keep your ears from freezing on the downhill. I have it in the back pocket
of my jersey on the way up.Long-fingered with a thicker fabric and leather will do for short warm rides. If you'll be
downhilling much, use ski gloves or heavy winter cycling gloves. If you put bar-mitts on your
bike, you can ride with light summer gloves.Toe spikes are highly recommended. Most days, you can use your summer shoes with double-socks.
(Be sure to use wool-acrylic socks, NOT cotton. Cotton is your enemy in the winter.) You can
buy shoe covers that keep the water and wind out of your shoe. These covers have a hole in
the bottom for your cleat. High-top winter bike shoes are waterproof and have extra padding,
but cost they can be pricey. But if you find yourself riding regularly in the winter, buy them!

On this ride, I'm wearing just a thin acrylic long-sleeved T under the biking jersey. It's perfect, even when "flying low!"
In the winter, I swap my small light SPD pedals for downhill pedals (where a pop-up binding
is surrounded by a toothed cage). If my cleat and pedal become packed with ice, I can still
stand on the platform and ride with confidence.

Cleat and binding are both gummed up with ice and debris. Note the toothed cage around the binding -- this lets me ride when I can't click in.

Ah, the joys of early spring, with mud-balls gumming the brakes. This wears a bike out fast.
If you go "digging" on wet four-wheel drive routes with your bike, you'll find mud. Mud destroys
standard brake pads and rims. You may want to go with a softer brake pad -- to compensate for
the cold, and to reduce the sandpaper effect on your rims. (I wore right through an expensive
set of rims in one year!) You'll need to tune and adjust your brakes more frequently, preferably
before every ride. (Winter biking is where disc brakes are worth the money. They perform like
a charm!)
You may think St. George is warm because there's no snow. But if you're making an epic ride
such as the Stucki Springs loop, you'd better pack hypothermia gear. You WILL die if you spend
a winter's night in the desert unprepared.

In addition to "enough clothing," I pack a disposable plastic rain slicker and a foil emergency blanket. (They weigh almost nothing!) To keep my metabolism up if I'm stranded, I add food.

Many local "dry" streams fill up in the winter. If you'll be running into water, plan for it. Nothing creates frostbite like wet summer-biking shoes in a fierce 20-degree wind. Here Mike is hitting the creek on the old Corner Canyon loop before the bridge was built -- wearing his summer shoes and cotton socks. He knows better now!
You may find a hard-packed snowmobile or ATC trail in the high mountains, but in general, most
winter biking is at low altitude. Just about any trail can be ridden with 4 inches of soft
snow. Once it reaches 6, the uphill will be a battle. Trails we've ridden during every month
of the winter: Bonneville Shoreline SLC north and south, Corner Canyon's Potato Hill-BST-Canyon
Hollow-Ann's loop, Hog Hollow, Alpine's Lambert Park, Antelope Island, Stansbury Island Mountain.
Winter riding requires a strong biker with a steady, light touch. Abrupt moves may break through
the crust on the snow, or skid the bike into the deep snow on the edge of the trail. Sudden
force on the pedals can make the rear tire break loose and spin. Keep the effort smooth and
consistent. It helps to be locked onto the pedals -- avoid putting your feet down in the snow,
or pretty soon there'll be a sheet of ice covering your cleats.

Nice thing about falling in winter -- you don't usually get scraped up. It's like falling on skis.

Rubbing your muddy chain with snow can stop chain-suck. Squirt with your water bottle to finish the job. Be sure to clean the pulleys, too.
Chain-suck on a mud-ride can be a big problem. (This is where your muddy chain sticks to the
small front chain-ring and rides up until it gets stuck against the other half of the chain
at the top of the ring.) In general, I've found chain-wax to be more resistant to chain-suck
than oil. It's also easier to clean a waxed chain with snow or mud-puddle water on the trail.
I keep a very short hose on the south side of my house. I use it to forcefully spray off my
bike after muddy rides, with extra time and water pressure applied to the chain and pulleys.
Watch which direction you're spraying -- don't force mud into the cable ends or shock absorber
boots! After washing the bike, I blow the water out of the hose and disconnect it from the
faucet (to avoid freeze damage).

Spray forcefully as you run the chain through the pulleys to remove all mud.

A blow-dryer can save your chain from rust.
You'll need to clean the chain after every mud ride. Not just a rinse; a high-pressure cleaning.
Chain wax lets you get the chain cleaner than oil lubricants. I never use oil lube on my chain
any more. Any oily dirt that remains in the chain acts like "grinding compound." If there's
no sunshine, I blow-dry the chain. (If you use chain wax rather than oil, you have increased
rust risk. Your chain can form rust in just a few hours in the garage.) I re-lube when the
chain is dry, before putting the bike away for the day.