Replacing the Front Fork
A front fork may be replaced to (1) upgrade the shock absorbers, (2) allow
attachment of disc brakes, (3) replace a bent or cracked fork, or (4) to get a
prettier color. In general, the pieces of the front fork (for example, an
individual shock) aren't replaced individually -- the whole thing is swapped
out. If you're taking the fork apart to get at the individual parts, see our
section on front shock absorber cleanout. For
example, you can stiffen or soften a shock absorber by replacing individual
elastomer units.

Drop the front wheel off.
First, we need to get the old fork off. There are a few things we need to remove first, like
handlebars, brakes, and front wheel.
Open the brakes and drop the front wheel off.
Now release the tension on the brake spring by turning the tensioning screw out (counter-clockwise).
This makes it easier to put things back together on the new fork.
Now remove the brake mechanism from both sides of the fork. Usually, this is a hex-head bolt
that threads into the spindle on which the brake lever pivots. Turn counter-clockwise
to remove
the bolt, then slide the brake mechanism off the spindle.

Removing the brake calipers.

Strip all cables away from the fork.
Cut any cable ties that secure brake cable and speedometer cable.
Now you're ready to drop the fork out of the steering tube. Unscrew the cap at the top (assuming
you have a "threadless" headset). This cap pushes the stem down against
the bearings -- it's what keeps the headset tight.
The screw goes into a star nut inside the steerer (the tube at the top
of the fork).

Take the bolt out of the headset cap.

Removing the stem from the steerer tube.
Now loosen the stem clamping bolts until the stem is loose on the steerer tube.
Remove the stem from the headset. Remove any spacing rings that were underneath the stem.

Pulling off the handlebar and spacing rings.

Headset that has a threaded retaining ring under the stem.
That's all you have to do for the typical modern fork. But there are variations. Some headsets may have a second clamp ring underneath the stem. If you see a second ring with a
bolt in it, loosen it and remove it also.
Some forks are a bit more complicated. For example this is a "double crown" fork. You must
also remove the top crown from the fork before the fork will slide out
the bottom of the steering
tube. The bolts on the back of the top crown clamp the crown to the center
fork tube (big arrow),
and to the stanchion tubes of the front fork (smaller arrows). Loosen
these hex bolts.

A double-crown fork.

Tapping on the steerer to get it to drop out of the headset.
Does your old fork have sealed bearings? If you're not sure, put a drop cloth under the fork to catch errant ball bearings that will fall away from the bearing race as the fork comes away from the frame.
Now just give the top of the headset tube a good shove, and it should slide out the bottom
of the steering tube. But of course, it won't. You may have to tap on
the top of the steerer.
Use a block of wood to avoid damaging the metal.
As the fork slides down, have an assistant hold the lower bearings, so they stay up inside
the frame. Try to extract the bearing complex intact. Hopefully, the bearings
will be in a
bearing clip. If not, catch and save them.

Holding the bearing cup in place as the fork lowers.

The fork is now out of the frame.
Once the fork is extracted, remove the top bearings as well.
Slide the bearing cup off the top of the crown of the old front fork. You'll need it. The bearing
cup is the ring that sits against the bearings at the bottom of the steering

With a modern fork, you won't have to mess with bearings.

Threaded headset after removal of the handlebar and stem.
Threaded headset note: For a threaded headset, you'll need to remove the
stem from the tube of the front fork. (More detailed instructions for
a threaded headset
are found elsewhere.)
After removing a threaded headset: Using a headset wrench, uncouple the top of the fork from the steering tube, and slide the
fork out the bottom. Again, watch for ball bearings and bearing cups,
so you get everything
back together properly.

Removing the top cap from the steerer in a threaded headset.

Clean out crud and rust.
Once the old fork is out of the steering tube, clean and lube the inside of the steering tube.
Make sure the surfaces where the bearings sit aren't pitted.
Using a degreasing solution, clean the bearings, cups, and clips. A good technique to get dirty
gunk off free-rolling bearings is to roll then between layers of paper
towel. The towel will
pick up the gunk.

Cleaning non-sealed bearings before re-packing.

With modern headset sealed bearings, you won't have to do this.
For bearings without retaining clips, grease the bearing ring, then push each hole down onto
a bearing on your work towel. This is lots easier than trying to pick
up the bearing and stick
it into the ring.
Grease the outer and inner bearing cups. Assemble each set of bearings: outer cup, bearing
ring with bearings, then inner cup. If you lost a ball bearing (of course
you're going to lose a ball bearing!), leave the empty slot in the upper set of bearings -- the lower set bears the weight of the bike, so each bearing is more important.

Prepping the bearings for re-insertion.

Putting the bearing race onto the new fork.
Slide the bearing cup onto the steerer tube of your new fork. Gently tap it down until it's
flush with the crown.Put the bottom bearings into the bike frame.
Slide the steerer of the fork into the steering tube of the frame. Move the frame horizontal,
or put the bottom of the fork onto the floor, so the fork won't fall back
Now slide the top bearings, and the cap that sat on top of them, onto the steerer.

Inserting the top bearings. Keep the fork firmly in place!

Marking the steerer before trimming it down.
Put any spacers you'll be using onto the steerer, then slide the stem on. But don't tighten
the stem yet. We're just measuring.
When the stem is exactly where you'll want it, mark the top of the stem by scratching the steerer with an awl.
Now cut off the steerer with a pipe-cutter or hacksaw, about 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) down (towards
the bike frame) from your scratch. (You need a small space between the
stop of the steerer
and the top of the stem, so the headset cap can tighten the stem down
against the bearings.)
The masking tape does two things here: (1) it keeps the bearings from creeping out as the saw
vibrates the steerer, and (2) more importantly, it keeps metal filings
from drifting into the

Cutting the steerer.

Knocking the star nut out the bottom of the old fork.
Now you need to put a star nut into the new steerer. Of course, you didn't remember to buy
one. So you'll recycle the star nut from your old fork. Insert a dowel
into top of the old
steerer, and tap the star nut through until it comes the bottom. (CAUTION:
some forks have
a tapered tube. If your old steerer has a smaller hole at the bottom than
at the top, you can't
do this! Buy a new star nut.)
Now slide the star nut into the new steerer. Using your dowel, tap it down until the top of
the nut is about 1/2 inch inside the steerer.

Tapping the star nut into position in the new fork.

The top cap pushes down on the headset bearings.
Now slide the spacers and stem back on. Don't tighten the stem yet. Move the bike so the fork's
dropouts are pressing against the ground. Inspect the bearings to be sure
everything is in
Put the headset cap on. Tighten the top cap onto the top of the stem until there's no longer
any "play" when you push the front wheel against the ground. If you feel
resistance or hear
rubbing in the headset when you turn the handlebars back and forth, you've
tightened things
a bit too much. Back off.
Now replace the front wheel. Match the alignment of the wheel with that of the stem, and tighten
the stem securely.
Install the brakes, whether disk or rim brakes. Adjust them as outlined in the brake tuneup section. Put the speedometer cable and detector wand into place on the new fork. When everything seems proper, take your new fork for a test ride.

Tighten the stem AFTER you've got the top cap to the right amount of snug.