Skin Flap
Skin Flap, Full Thickness
In mountain biking, skin flaps are either the result of catching skin on a branch or
peeling the skin away during a fall.
A "full thickness" flap or avulsion is complete loss of all layer of the skin.
Even if the skin is still attached (a flap), full thickness injuries should be seen by the
doctor. In an older adult with thin skin, it can be difficult for a layman to see the difference between "blister thickness" and "all layers of skin." Best to get medical attention if you're not very very sure.

In an older person with very thin skin, a FULL THICKNESS avulsion or flap can look very
thin. It can appear as thin as the top of a blister! If you're ever unsure whether a flap
is partial or full thickness, treat it as a FULL THICKNESS injury!
Immediate care:
If there's a flap, leave it in place. Clean with Betadine. Put on a padded dressing. Go to
the doctor. See section on infection.
Skin Flap, Partial Thickness
Partial-thickness flaps are most likely to occur where the outer layer of the skin is very
thick, such as the palm or fingerpads. Usually, the cause is landing on the hands at a
high speed. This peels the skin back.
A "partial thickness" flap is loss of only the outer (epidermis) layer of the skin. The skin will re-grow from underneath. The loose skin is dead. We can tell this is a partial thickness injury because there are "fingerprint lines" on the underside. Also, the skin doesn't change shape when traction is put on it. If you're ever unsure whether an avulsion or flap is partial or full thickness, treat it as a FULL THICKNESS injury!

You must be sure the flap is truly partial thickness before trimming it away. Old persons
have extremely thin skin -- you may be fooled into cutting off a full thickness flap! Even
physicians make this mistake. If you cut off a full thickness flap, it will take many
weeks to heal and will scar badly. Partial thickness flaps may have debris under them. If
so, it must be trimmed away. Even with cleaning, there's a great risk of infection if the
flap remains.
See the doctor if:
you're unsure of the injury's depth
you can't clean away the contamination
the avulsion involves a large area
the avulsion is larger than a thumbprint on the hand
the avulsion is in a critical area (face, genitals)
NOTE: Whether you replace the skin or snip it away depends on: COMFORT (leave it) versus INFECTION (if there's dirt under the flap -- snip it). If the flap is absolutely clean (and is in an area that may be bumped), you can replace the flap. Clean with Betadine. Wipe away any blood from beneath the flap. Apply antibiotic ointment. Now plaster the flap back into position. Apply a dressing that puts light pressure on the wound.

If there's dirt on (or under) the flap, you must remove the flap. Clean with Betadine.
Use small, clean scissors to snip away the flap. Apply an antibiotic ointment. Place a
non-stick pad, then roll a kling wrap around the wound. (You can substitute a manufactured
bandage such as a knuckle bandage if you're sure it will cover and compress well.)
Ongoing care:
Keep the wound clean, dry, and protected from chafing and bumping. Change the dressing
every day, or whenever it accidentally gets dirty. After two days, you can resume washing
(but always put a dry bandage on afterwards). When the wound looks like normal skin and
feels like normal skin you can stop bandaging. Expect about 7 to 14 days for healing.
Watch for:
See the doctor if there is redness around the wound, red streaks, swelling, drainage,
fever, tender bumps in the groin or armpit upstream from the wound, or an unexplained
increase in pain or tenderness. See section on infection.