The standard triangular bandage (available in any drugstore and costing about $1) is compact
and light, and can fit in virtually any portable first aid kit. The package is about 2x3 inches,
and 3/8" thick.

It has other uses besides a simple sling: tying on dressings and splints, for example.

A nicely crafted sling.
Create a sling by folding the middle of the long edge under the arm, with the 90° corner of
the triangle at the elbow. Pull the long ends up and around the neck.
It's most comfortable
if the inner side of the sling goes around the neck on the hand side,
while the outer side
goes around on the elbow side. Tie the sling with a square know behind
the neck, so the wrist
tips slightly upward in relation to the elbow. Pull the extra cloth out
from the elbow and tie a simple overhand knot in it. This keeps the
arm in place within the cradle of the sling.
To give extra protection to the shoulder for upper arm fractures, collarbone or AC joint separations,
add a binder to the sling. This can be a second sling wrapped around chest
over top of the
first sling, a shirt placed over the sling (putting only the "good" arm
through the sleave),
or an ace wrap around the chest as shown at right.For temporary immobilization
of a dislocated shoulder, place the sling, then wad up a biking
shirt and put it between the elbow/forearm and the chest. (In a dislocation,
the elbow is usually
slightly out sideways, about 6 inches away from the body.) Now place a
binding wrap. If it
hurts to bind the arm, add more padding between elbow and chest.

A sling and binder makes the injury more comfortable.

Standard sling from a drug store.
If you're treating the injury at home, you may want to upgrade your sling once you're back
at civilization. Buy a standard sling at your local medical supply store.
Slings are available
with one strap (as shown), two straps, and with a binding strap. Select
one that will keep
you comfortable during your required activities.
The triangular bandage sling has a lot of other uses:
Securing a head
wound compression dressing (as at right).
- Bulk for compression of hemorrhage.
- Binding a compression pack for severe extremity hemorrhage (beware of a tournequet
- Providing padding and bulk for a dressing.
- Tying temporary splints to an extremity (see below).

Other uses for your first-aid kit sling.
When splinting a painful injury, it's best to "splint it where it lies." In
other words, place the splint so the extremity stays in the position you found it in. It's
best not to try to straighten out a deformity, unless it's necessary to get the victim out
of the wilderness.

You can tell that a splint is effective if other people can move you without creating severe
pain in the injury.
An excellent splint is made by wrapping a pillow around the injured arm or leg, then binding
it tight with tape around the pillow. Or, roll a magazine around an arm
as a temporary "cast."
Tie the magazine with a triangular bandage (sling), tape, or a bike inner
After placing the splint, check the color of the skin downstream occasionally. If the skin becomes pale
or dusky, or if there's increasing discomfort, loosen the straps that
bind the splint.
If you're treating a wrist sprain at home (be careful about this -- painful "sprains" are often
subtle wrist fractures), you can purchase a splint at your local medical
supply store. While
a pull-on elastic tube splint can give some support, it's not enough to
allow you to lift.
Consider a splint with metal strips top and bottom.

Commercial wrist splint.

Metal finger splint. If needed, a stick from the forest can work.
For finger injuries, I recommend a foam-backed aluminum splint. The splint is placed on the
underside of the finger. You can cut the splint to length with EMT snips
and bend it to the
most comfortable position. Bind it with a couple of strips of tape. Stretchy
cloth tape, while
more expensive and harder to find than non-stretch tape) is far superior
for holding a splint.

A store-bought splint may not have the best fit.
Popsicle sticks and most drugstore off-the-shelf splints have one big problem: they force your
finger straight. This is painful for most finger sprains -- it stretches
the injured ligaments
and may actually interfere with healing. Plus, a straight finger gets
in the way more. Usually it's best to splint the finger in the most comfortable position, which is with all
joints slightly bent.
Specialty splints such as ankle and knee braces can be purchased without prescription at a
medical supply store. But you need to know what you're treating, and how
to adjust and use
the splint properly. If an injury seems bad enough to cough up $60 for
a special splint, you
should probably go to the ER and have it checked.

An ankle splint.
Wraps for immobilization
There are three ways you can provide a wrap: (1) a standard compression wrap ("Ace
wrap"), which is heavy and thick but provides a fair amount of stability and
"squeeze," (2) self-adhering (Coban) wrap, which is thin and light, and (3)
compression sleeves, which are pre-fab pull-on wraps for knee, elbow, and wrist that you
can buy at the drugstore.

A bulky wrap can work as well as a splint -- as long as you're just lying around.
The compression (Ace) wrap is the standard wrap for orthopedic injuries. It provides a fair
amount of padding, modest immobilization, and compression. You can increase
the stiffness of
the immobilization and the pressure of compression by wrapping tighter.
Cold-packs can be placed
over the wrap. When wrapping an ankle, use a figure-eight or two (see
below) for stability. A 4-inch ace works
best for the ankle.
Self-adhering wrap (sample brand Coban) is light and thin. While I use it mostly to secure
dressings, it can also provide immobilization and compression of an orthopedic
injury. Use it just as you would an Ace wrap, with one precaution: because the wrap sticks to itself
as you unroll it, you can easily make the wrap too tight. Pull a length
off the roll first,
then adjust the tension before applying it to the joint.

A wrap used to help immobilize an elbow.

Wrist wrapping provides enough immobilization to ice-pack.
When applying an ace to the wrist, come up onto the hand, passing the wrap between the thumb
and index finger. A two-inch wrap works best for the wrist.
A compression wrap can be used to immobilize broken ribs. A 4-inch ace is the size you're most
likely to have available, and it will usually work, but a 6-inch is ideal.
Have the victim blow their air out and hold the arms up. Wrap around snugly. The wrap should
be just tight enough to ease the sharp pain with breathing, but not tight
enough to make breathing

Immobilizing painful ribs -- a temporary fix.