Fractured Forearm
A fracture of the arm usually occurs from a fall, with the biker trying to land on the
outstretched hands. Breaking the arm from a direct blow is much less likely.
Most fractures of the arm occur an inch or two above the wrist. Next most likely is the elbow area. The arm will be painful to move. Swelling will usually develop rapidly. Children with minor greenstick fractures may not swell until the next day.
How do you know if you should see the doctor? Fractures will show one or more signs of
severe injury, such as:
deformity or severe swelling
the part can't be used normally after an hour of rest
you can't move the injured part fully
continued severe pain
numbness or weakness below the injured area.

Your role in the immediate care of a fracture is "ICE:" Immobilize, Cool, and Elevate. If you're in the woods, wrap the arm up in a biking shirt and cradle the arm with the uninjured one while you hike out. When you reach the car, immobilize the injured area with a splint, sling, pillow, or whatever works. Elevate the extremity. Apply a cold pack. Go get medical attention.
Hint: To splint a forearm fracture, roll a magazine around the injured arm and tie it in place with a triangular bandage (the cheap sling found in first aid kits).

Ongoing care:
For the first 48 hours, repeat ice and elevation 1/4 of the time (for example, 30 minutes
of ice every two hours). Follow the doctor's orders.
Watch for:
Swelling from a fracture can sometimes cut off the circulation. Watch the area
"downstream" from the injury for numbness, inability to move, severe pain,
swelling, and either paleness or purple congestion.