Foreign Body
Foreign body impalement during mountain biking usually results from meeting a stiff twig
at high speed, or falling onto something long and thin.
Unless you're sure it's just a shallow splinter, foreign body injuries should be treated by the doctor. It's important to assess for deep injury, avoid leaving foreign material behind in the wound, and guard against infection.

The puncturing object can injure an artery, nerve, or tendon.
Any time there's a foreign body, there's contamination. These injuries have a high liability for complications.
Immediate care:
If possible, stabilize the foreign body in place. (Remove it only if it's the only way you
can get back to civilization.) Squirt Betadine solution around the foreign body. Wad up
some roll gauze and place it around the foreign body to stabilize it, then gently wrap the
gauze around the extremity. Don't move the object. Go to the doctor or emergency room.
Yes, believe it or not, bikers can be stuck with fish hooks. Consider the Lake Shore trail at Fish Lake, the Jordan River Parkway in Utah County, and the Provo River Parkway. People are casting, with bikers cruising by behind them.
A fish hook can often be removed at home, if it's not in a tricky area. After removing the
hook, it can be treated as you would any other puncture wound.

Push down on the shaft of the hook with your finger (this disengages the barb). Keep your finger pressing down firmly over the entire hook while you pull the string back quickly and strongly. The hook should pop right out.
During a fall, it's easy to jam a piece of wood under an unprotected fingernail when biking with short-fingered gloves (or no gloves).
Small foreign bodies under the nail, such as tiny splinters can be removed at home. Large objects
are best treated by the doctor.

You'll need to get as close as possible to the nail bed. Notch the nail back with fingernail clippers. Grasp the splinter as close to the skin as possible and gently pull back. After removal, clean the area with Betadine, and dress.
Splinter forceps are extremely sharp and tiny tweezers that cost about $4. It could be the best investment you ever make.
After removal:
Clean the area with Betadine and bandage.
Watch for:
See the doctor if there is redness around the wound, red streaks, swelling, drainage,
fever, tender bumps in the groin or armpit upsteam from the wound, or an unexplained
increase in pain or tenderness.