Face Laceration
Mountain biking face cuts are usually the result of a face-plant forward fall. Most
commonly cut is the chin, followed by the lips, then the brow. Commonly, abrasion
surrounds the burst skin.
Cuts on the face are usually caused by a blunt blow. The tissue bursts open when pinched between the bones of the face and another object (ground, elbow, toy, another child's head...). Blunt cuts tend to leave more scar than sharp ones. And who wants a scar on the face?
All cuts will scar. Whether the scar "shows" depends on the location of the cut,
direction of the cut, size of the cut, and whether crushing or tearing of tissue occurred.
To minimize scar, any cut on the face should be seen by the doctor. Face cuts usually heal
quickly. There's much less risk of infection than for cuts elsewhere.
See the doctor for:
ALL cuts on the face
(unless the cut is sharp, in a non-obvious location, and you have
treat confidence in your management skills)
Immediate care:
Hold pressure on the cut until bleeding stops. Clean with Betadine. Go to the doctor's
office or emergency room.
Watch for: Swelling, redness, increasing tenderness, tender bumps just below the angles of the jaw. See section on infection.