Closure of Simple Lacerations
Treat a laceration at home only if it's small, shallow, in an "unimportant
area," and the skin along the laceration matches up perfectly (and remains together
when undisturbed). In general, you should see the doctor for lacerations where:
the cut is gaping.
the edges can be pulled more than 1/8 inch apart with traction on
nearby skin.
the cut is over a knuckle.
the cut is on the face or genitals
the cut might be contaminated with foreign material.
the cut was caused by human or animal teeth.
there is numbness, deep pain, or inability to move a part fully.

Butterfly bandages and Steri-strips will hold without special preparation. But it you think the wound may be prone to opening (in which case I really recommend you go get stitches) and are determined to treat it yourself, you may want to prepare the skin so strips will stick longer and tighter. If you have Benzoin (a "stick-um" liquid), apply a thin coating on each side of the cut and allow it to dry completely. Nail polish remover can also be used to remove skin oils for a more secure "hold," but you must be careful not to get it in the cut.

Now pad the wound with a non-stick pad, then gauze placed directly over top. If necessary, trim the pad to fit. If the wound is on an extremity, bind the dressing with a kling wrap. Secure the bandage with Coban wrap or tape. See the section on wound dressings .
If you decide to treat a sharp laceration over a moving surface (such as knee, elbow, or knuckle), you need to provide protection against motion for the first few days. Think about what you'll do during the 7-10 days' healing time -- and consider stitches.

If you're treating the cut at home, leave the butterflies or Steris until they peel off on their own. Keep the wound covered with a dry dressing and keep it clean. Avoid bumping the area. It takes between 10 and 14 days before the cut is strong enough for routine duty without a dressing.
Watch for:
See the doctor if there is redness around the wound, red streaks, swelling, drainage,
fever, tender bumps in the groin or armpit upsteam from the wound, or an unexplained
increase in pain or tenderness. See section on infection.