View of the upper falls. Ride on December 7, 2010.
Toquerville FallsFor the locals, Toquerville Falls was a ride to the swimming hole on a hot summer day. Now
the teens are more likely to use an ATV. The ride is on dirt road. Round
trip is 12 miles with
2300 vertical feel of climbing. This ride wouldn't make your Top Ten list
for the area. It's
scenic and the falls are pretty. But the climbing is way too tough for
families and beginners,
while not being particularly exciting for experienced riders.
Starting altitude is 3350, in the middle of Toquerville. The falls itself is at 3750, but you'll
climb to 4400 on the way. There's about a mile of 10% slope. And you'll
gain and lose a bit
as you traverse the mountain side heading up the La Verkin Creek canyon.

Head past this corral up the canyon. There's parking just west of this corral if you don't want to gear up in Toquerville.

Looking southwest toward Hurricane Mesa.
Start the ride on Spring Street from SR-17 -- Toquerville's main street. Or, head up Spring
Street and continue on the dirt road for a mile to the corral area. (Spring
Street is very
narrow. There's no parking in the residential area.)
After 1/2 mile, the road turns to dirt. There will be a steep climb along the water-treatment
fence. Depending on conditions, cars may not be able to clear this area
after a rainstorm.

Heading northeast, we're looking at Zion National Park on the skyline. To the right of the Navajo sandstone mountain is a snow-covered plateau.

At the falls. This is just the first of three drops.
One mile from Toquerville, veer right and climb southwest up a narrow canyon. Oh, good, it
looks like you're through climbing that steep canyon. Brief respite. Now
it gets even steeper.
At mile 2.7, you'll think you're through climbing as you crest the hill
and start down. Don't
celebrate. There's plenty more vertical yet to go.
The trail goes up and down, more up than down, along the edge of the bald hill for a couple
of miles. Keep right as a road joins from uphill at mile 3.7. Now the
trail will descend toward
the falls. At mile 5 you'll hear the falls, then see it ahead to your
right. As the road reaches
the bottom of the canyon, fork right on the smaller road to reach the

The bottom of the second falls has a pool used as a swimming hole.

To do the loop ride, just ride your bike across.
The creekbed just above the falls is solid rock. You can ride your bike across. The deep spot,
which you won't see until it's too late, will get your shoes wet.
The alternate return is on undulating ATV track. It will cross the creek four times, counting
the first crossing above the falls. Shortly after the last crossing, it
will begin climbing
stiffly back toward the top of the first hill.

Just starting the doubletrack loop on the eastern side of the creek.

Looking south as we climb away from the falls.
If water conditions allow, and if you're crazy enough, it's sometimes possible to ride the
creek down. There's a bailout on the right about 1/2 mile down, or you
can ride further down
and climb out to the Moenkopi Trail. I'm told that during the drought
years early this century,
this was a reasonable route. Floods have now made things tougher by gouging
the channel and
depositing large rocks. If much water is flowing in La Verkin Creek, this
route is Not Recommended.
Toquerville Falls, from SR-17 in
0.0 Northwest on Spring Street N37 15.407 W113 17.136
0.5 Pavement ends
0.7 Small parking spot on L N37 15.926 W113 16.798
1.0 ATV parking on R N37 16.135 W113 16.636
Veer R N37 16.194 W113 16.576
uphill past corral
1.7 Keep straight (option steeper ATV track on L)
N37 15.857 W113 16.170
2.7 Crest hill
2.8 Keep L on main road N37 16.426 W113 15.816
(R = optional return path)
3.7 Keep R and downhill N37 17.060 W113 15.692
5.8 R off main road N37 N37
18.071 W113 14.928
6.0 Falls N37 17.930 W113 14.820
Optional return (harder):
Cross creek above
falls, turn R downhill
6.4 Cross creek, then recross to east side
N37 17.708 W113
6.9 Cross creek to west side N37 17.308 W113 15.019
7.5 Keep R and uphill N37 16.865 W113 15.182
8.3 R to main road then L N37 16.426 W113 15.816
12.0 Back at SR-17

Toquerville Falls ride
Getting there: On I-15 about 20 miles north of
St. George, take the Toquerville exit on SR-17. Drive about 4 miles. Just
as you enter the town of Toquerville, watch for Spring Street on the east
(left). Do not park on Spring Street -- it's tiny. Either park on SR-17,
or drive uphill to find a parking spot along the dirt road.
Riding resources for this trail:
Single-page riding guide:
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX Toquerville Falls
Wider-area topo map for printing:
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to St.
George area resources