The Rail Trail is 30 miles long, extending from the Prospector area of Park City down to Echo Junction along a former railroad route. The Union Pacific Rail Trail State Park is open to all non-motorized traffic, but finds its greatest use among mountain bikers.

Could there be anything better than this? Alex and Jackie , the biking-fanatic Jack Russell terrier, wait for dad to finish cooking the turkey tetrazinni on the shore of Echo Reservoir.
The ski slopes of Deer Valley and Park City can be seen on the mountains in the background.Park City Trailhead: in Park City, take Kearns Blvd to Bonanza Dr, then turn on Prospector Ave to behind the Park City Plaza. N 40° 39.684' W 111° 29.894'.
Jordanelle Trailhead: take the U-248 exit from US-40 about 5 miles south of I-80, and park on the frontage road. The trail is just east. Star Pointe Trailhead: exit I-80 to US-40. 2 miles south, turn into the Silver Creek Industrial Park and follow the signs to the trail.
Wanship Trailhead: exit I-80 into Wanship. The parking area is just east of the intersection between U-32 and US-189.
Coalville Trailhead: immediately after exiting I-80, the trail crosses the road as you head into Coalville. Find a place to park and backtrack to the trail.
Echo Trailheads: the trail is accessible from the road on several areas along the reservoir. From the south, exit into Coalville, turn left on the main drag and head 7 miles north. From Echo Junction, take exit 169 from I-80 and turn right to head south.

One-page trail guide
GPS Track File (right-click and "Save Target as..."):
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