View of the canyon from the lower trailhead. Doesn't look impressive from here, but you'll be surprised! Photos and description from a ride on September 24, 2009 by Bruce and Jackie.
Green Canyon
The Green Canyon trail is a favorite of the Logan locals. It starts right on the edge of town,
in the next canyon north of Logan Canyon. The trail is smooth singletrack,
except for 1/4 mile
where you follow the dirt road (as of 2009). It's 4 miles and 1100 vertical
feet to the spot
where most riders turn around. If you want to push to the Mt Naomi Wilderness
border, it will
be 5.7 miles each way with 1800 feet of climbing.
Green Canyon sees plenty of traffic. On my midday weekday ride, I passed 8 cyclists, 2 hikers,
and one mellow black dog that Jackie decided was evil incarnate.
The trail starts at about 5100 feet elevation. Don't let the cedar and rabbit brush discourage
you. You'll quickly be in cool maple forest. As you get higher, the maple
has a smattering
of aspen and fir.

Handlebar view of the trail in maple forest shortly after starting up from the main Green Canyon trailhead.

Looking to the southeast from the trail, we see ridges of Ordovician era Garden City limestone, deposited around 450 million years ago at a time when Utah was covered by ocean.
The canopy hides the canyon from sight most of the time, but occasionally you'll break out
for a view of the nearby hillsides. The climb is at a gentle pace, with
occasional rollers.
You'll cross the dirt road a few times as you climb. Except for one little
rocky loose section
after the first road crossing, the trail is firm, wide, and smooth. Plenty
of handlebar room.
At mile 1 as the trail hits the road, the continuing trail is 100 feet up the road on the left.
You can be forgiven if you simply choose to skip this section and continue
up the road, as
I observed a couple of other riders doing. The climb up this piece of
singletrack is a bit
steep with lots of loose rock. The trail rejoins the road (and continues
on the road at that
time) in less than 0.2 miles.

The singletrack has enough turns, dips, and interesting features to keep your attention. My bike rests against a maple trunk near a rock outcrop on the way back down (temporarily uphill).

On the right, the trail twists through a meadow broken up by stands of maple, zooms through a dip, then passes through the anti-ATV chokepoint.
Once you're on the dirt road at mile 1.2, keep riding uphill through a narrower part of the
canyon another quarter mile. Watch for a path on your left near a marker
for campsite 8. If
you miss it, the next connector is campsite 9.
At mile 3.9, the trail joins the road and continues uphill to a fence. Most riders simply do
the four miles to the fence, then turn around and ride back. If you decide
to head higher,
the trail gets narrow but is still quite easy to ride. When you reach
a spot where the pitch
increases and there are several log water-bars in a row, 1.7 miles from
the fence at the end
of the road, that's the wilderness border according to National Geographic
and my GPS unit.
The continuing trail contains quite a bit of loose rock, and you'll note you're at the fork
of two canyons. On your right, there's a small field of head-sized rock
chunks, and the trail
veers toward the right-hand canyon. A couple of switchbacks higher, a
sign informs you that
you've reached the Mt Naomi Wilderness. Congratulations. Turn around and
head back.

Uphill view above the end of the road, as the trail narrows into a tiny ribbon but still rides beautifully.

Further uphill, the trail enters aspen forest with berry and currant.
Riding notes, from upper parking:
0.0 ST @ uphill end of parking, near toilet
N41 46.144 W111 46.141
If coming from lower parking,
add 0.7 miles
1.0 Join road, ride 100 ft, L on ST before gate
N41 46.307 W111 45.022
1.1 Keep R at fork N41 46.302 W111 44.892
1.2 Join road N41 46.288 W111 44.827
Ride uphill 1/4 mile on road
1.5 Turn L at campsite 8, ST at back
N41 46.325 W111 44.541
1.6 ST joins from road via campsite 9
N41 46.345 W111 44.395
2.0 Cross road N41 46.515 W111 43.987
2.7 Hard R on road, cross onto ST 150-degrees
N41 46.924 W111 43.595
3.1 Cross road N41 47.164 W111 43.530
3.9 Join road N41 47.630 W111 43.186
4.0 Road ends at fence, ST continues
N41 47.674 W111 43.144
(Toilet and primitive camping
on L)
5.7 Wilderness boundary, turn around
N41 48.663 W111 42.147
11.4 Back at parking
(If starting from lower
parking, mileage = 12.3)

Jackie jogs along the trail behind the bike.

Local riders follow city streets, or the Bonneville Shoreline Trail shown here, to reach Green Canyon.
Getting there: In Logan, turn east at 400 North on
US-89 (toward Logan Canyon). At 1200 East, turn left and drive north to
1900 North. Turn right toward the mountains. As 1900 North climbs over a
small rise, pass the Bonneville Shoreline trail on your right. Pass the lower
parking area on your left. 0.6
miles later, turn right into the Green Canyon parking. The trail begins
uphill at the end of the parking zone, near the toilet.
(Note: Lower trailhead. Bicycles are NOT allowed on the first 0.2 miles of singletrack passing through the King
Nature Park -- between the lower and upper parking
areas. The lower trailhead is intended for hikers and cyclists using the
Bonneville Shoreline Trail, which starts across the road to the south. If
you park in the lower parking lot, take the road uphill to the second

Map of Green Canyon