This is the trail -- rough and tricky, but fairly easy to follow. White stripes painted on the sandstone mark the trail. Photo November 13, 2002 by Bruce.
Five Miles of HellFive Miles of Hell is the real name of this trail. But the
name is not completely accurate. There's really 7 miles of
Hell (gnarly, sick, and abusive technical riding), 2 miles of Purgatory (advanced-tech singletrack), and 11 miles of
Limbo (doubletrack with tire-sinking soft surface and some rough rock).
This trail is extreme, trials-level technical. Don't come to Hell unless
you're Damned -- damned good at tech riding, that is.
The loop described here is 20.6 miles. Peak altitude is 6700, bottom 6000, but with constant
up-and-down riding, your climbing will be around 2000 vertical feet. The
loop starts with 3
miles of doubletrack, then a mile on the upper-intermediate Red Trail.
After 7 vicious miles
on Five Miles of Hell, there's 1 intermediate-tech mile to trail's end.
Then you grind back
on doubletrack to complete the loop. Allow at least 5 hours.

The Coconino Sandstone on the Five Miles of Hell Trail erodes into fins, ledges, and steep washes. Gut check. Bruce rolls a steep section.

Mike throws his wheel up over a ledge during an uphill attack. A trials maneuver, or just showing off for the camera?
To envision how tough this trail is, imagine the toughest, trickiest 50 feet of Gooseberry
Mesa. Add a tricky steep spot from The Portal. Add that same Portal section
again, but make
it uphill. Repeat over and over again for 7 miles. Throw in the deepest
sand pits from Slickrock,
but make them longer, softer, and deeper. Add a few of Poison Spider's
worst sand-to-wall,
wall-to-sand transitions. Get the idea?
This trail is best in spring and fall, when the temperatures are moderate. This is a rough,
long trail that demands a lot of work. In mid-summer, you'll find it difficult
to haul enough
water to complete this trail safely.

Looking over a wash about 2 miles into the ride. We're going to work down those rock ledges to the bottom, then up the other side!

The UMB riders (front to back) Matt, Mike, Chad, and Dom work along 5MOH. There are no "sit back and roll" sections. This trail is unrelenting!
The riding surface is Coconino sandstone (deposited near the ocean shoreline during the Permian
Period, about 250 million years ago). Although a tad smoother in grain
than the Navajo sandstone
of Slickrock, Coconino has cross-hatching "ribs" that create lots of ledges
and rough spots.
For more info, see our page on the
of the San Rafael
I recommend a freeride bike for this trail. (You can ride it on a light cross-country bike
-- I did -- or even a hardtail -- I did, after I ruptured a seal and lost
all the air out of
the rear shock.) Soft-rubber, low-pressure tires will help. Many climbs
are extremely difficult,
intended for trials motocross.

Chad prepares to post a turn as he works up the sandstone.

Here's Bruce coming down, as rock fins point up against the front tire. Ready to endo? With the right muscles, endurance, and nerve, this trail offers a lot of fun.
There's a lot of fun here. But expect to walk your bike a little. (If you think you're an "advanced
technical rider" because you rode Slickrock once on a rented bike... Well,
bring comfortable
hiking shoes, and a bike that's easy to carry.) To ride the whole loop
is exhausting. The bailouts
give the option of a shorter ride. Consider this.
Which brings us to: Trail Sanity. Be sure you have patches, spare tube, pump, tool kit, and
plenty of food and water. And don't ride this trail alone. (OK, I rode
alone when I explored
this trail. But I'm deranged, and have lots of life insurance.) In Five
Miles of Hell, you're
miles from the Middle of Nowhere. In a visit to 5MOH in fall of 2002,
no human or machine had
disturbed my tire tracks from 10 days earlier. That's a long time to wait
for rescue.

This is really a middle of nowhere trail. If you get in trouble, they may not find your body for years.
Trail notes:
0.0 Head east on DT
N 38° 47.340' W 110° 42.583'
0.5 Keep straight (L)
1.4 Fork R (L = return)
N 38° 47.232' W 110°
41.513' alt=6700'
3.0 DT ends, sign-in trail box
N 38° 46.200' W 110° 40.865'
Straight S on ST, follow red
4.0 Fork hard L (white dashes) at sign
N 38° 45.780' W 110° 40.190'
4.5 sand dig, 5.2 sand dig
5.7 Drop through deep canyon (sand dig)
5.9 Bailout at ridge ("Out" and arrow on rock)
N 38° 46.409' W 110° 39.689'
R to continue
6.9 Small slot canyon, sand dig
7.2 Bailout at ridge ("Out" and arrow on rock)
N 38° 45.942' W 110° 39.399'
R to continue
8.1 Southernmost tip, start going north
8.7 Bailout in wash ("Out" and arrow on rock)
N 38° 45.783' W 110° 38.996'
R (east) down wash to continue
8.8 Ravine, sand. Again at 9.6 and 10.5
12.1 ST drops to rock-bottom wash, trail box
N 38° 45.208' W 110° 36.951'
L up wash 100 feet
Climb out on R (cairns) to
19.3 At fork (see 1.4), keep straight
20.6 Back at vehicle

Map of Five Mile of Hell
Getting there: On US-6 approaching Green River,
turn right (westbound) on I-70. Drive 25 miles and exit at Ranch Exit 131
(formerly known as 129 -- the numbering has changed). If you're going eastbound, the exit is 75 miles east of
Salina. Turn left under the freeway, then veer right with the road. Keep straight
at all intersections. Note a first cattle guard at mile 3.2. After
crossing a second cattle guard at 6.7, descend and turn left on a small
road at mile 7.6. Park on the left 0.1 miles down the road, just before
the wash, N 38° 47.340' W 110° 42.583'. Begin the ride by continuing on
the road.