Bruce heads up toward White Pine Lake on October 1, 2008. Trail review based on rides in 2008 and 2009. Photo by Gene Poncelet.
Bunchgrass Trail
via White Pine Lake
The Bunchgrass Trail starts at Tony Grove Lake in Logan Canyon. This very pretty singletrack trail is 11.2 miles long (if you do the little loop at White Pine Lake). With the shuttle option, it's suitable for intermediate riders, although some might struggle on the rocky areas. Expert riders will hammer this one and love it. There's a moderate amount of climbing, but the ride offers miles and miles of not-too-technical high-speed downhill singletrack.
via White Pine Lake
The Bunchgrass Trail starts at Tony Grove Lake in Logan Canyon. This very pretty singletrack trail is 11.2 miles long (if you do the little loop at White Pine Lake). With the shuttle option, it's suitable for intermediate riders, although some might struggle on the rocky areas. Expert riders will hammer this one and love it. There's a moderate amount of climbing, but the ride offers miles and miles of not-too-technical high-speed downhill singletrack.
The ride can be done as a shuttle by leaving a car at the bottom of the Tony Grove road, or
as a 19-mile loop by riding the bike up the 7-mile paved road to the lake.
You'll do the
Pine Lake trail
, but instead of returning to Tony Grove, you'll descend to the highway in Logan Canyon first
along White Pine Creek, then via Bunchgrass canyon.
The singletrack trail starts from the Tony Grove Lake parking lot and climbs 800 vertical feet over 2.5 miles -- a fairly pleasant rate of climb. There are a few spots of embedded rocks for a little line-picking practice but most of the climb is on buff trail.
The singletrack trail starts from the Tony Grove Lake parking lot and climbs 800 vertical feet over 2.5 miles -- a fairly pleasant rate of climb. There are a few spots of embedded rocks for a little line-picking practice but most of the climb is on buff trail.

Gene picks his line to attack a turn in a rocky section of the climb.

View west toward the mountain above Tony Grove Lake.
You'll be riding through a fir and aspen forest with many small meadows. The ride has a bit
of everything: Grand vistas, a pretty lake, a few slightly-tech uphill
spots, some slightly
tech downhill spots, and a lot of straight-ahead warp-speed cruising.
Once you reach the peak altitude of 8800, you'll descend a couple of switchbacks toward White
Pine Lake. There are a few rock challenges here, but each one is short,
forgiving, and very
doable. A fun start to the downhill.

Riders roll over the ridgeline to begin the drop toward White Pine Lake at the foot of Mount Gog.

Bruce cruises the loop trail at White Pine Lake. In the background cliffs of quartzite (white layer) and dolomite (glue-gray layer) tower above the lake.
As you reach the 4-way near the lake, go left down to the lake then loop clockwise along the
lake and around the camping area. You'll see a few trails -- and these
may change based on
camper and cattle traffic -- but just mosey up and east from the north
end of the lake and
you'll find yourself on a southbound trail that returns you to the 4-way.
Now go left.
Soon after leaving the lake, you'll drop a moderately steep area with plenty of round river-rocks.
Just keep your brake action light and surf your way down.
The trail crosses White Pine Creek, then begins a long smooth singletrack descent. Sage meadows alternate with wooded areas. At mile 7.5, keep right at the fork where the White Pine trail goes downhill and Bunchgrass turns a bit uphill.
The trail crosses White Pine Creek, then begins a long smooth singletrack descent. Sage meadows alternate with wooded areas. At mile 7.5, keep right at the fork where the White Pine trail goes downhill and Bunchgrass turns a bit uphill.

2500 vertical feet of downhill - just getting started.

Even this late in the year, there's plenty of water in White Pine Creek. Wet feet for the rest of the ride.
Now come two stiff hike-a-bikes, the 2nd worse than the 1st. At the top of the second, you'll
drop a steep loose section then begin a high-speed cruise toward the bottom
of Bunchgrass Creek.
One of our riders hit 29 mph. The singletrack is narrow, straight, and
This bottom two miles just flies by: whiz through a meadow, wind through the trees, into another meadow. Very pretty; great fun.
This bottom two miles just flies by: whiz through a meadow, wind through the trees, into another meadow. Very pretty; great fun.
Riding notes, from Tony Grove Lake:
0.0 Northwest corner of parking, pick correct trail
N41 53.705 W111 38.552 Elevation 8000 feet
(Check sign! White Pine Lake)
0.3 Fork R N41 53.900 W111 38.558
0.9 Fork R N41 54.351 W111 38.647
2.6 Top of ridge 8800 feet, descend
3.5 4-way: L=lake loop, R=descend
N41 55.381 W111 39.008
4.2 Back at 4-way, go L to continue
7.5 Fork R (L=Pine Creek) N41 55.269 W111 35.861
7.6 1st of 2 stiff hike-a-bikes
11.1 Fork R N41 53.545 W111 34.074
11.2 At road N41 53.505 W111 33.948, go R (down) on 89
11.7 Turn R then L onto Tony Grove Rd Elevation 6300 feet
0.0 Northwest corner of parking, pick correct trail
N41 53.705 W111 38.552 Elevation 8000 feet
(Check sign! White Pine Lake)
0.3 Fork R N41 53.900 W111 38.558
0.9 Fork R N41 54.351 W111 38.647
2.6 Top of ridge 8800 feet, descend
3.5 4-way: L=lake loop, R=descend
N41 55.381 W111 39.008
4.2 Back at 4-way, go L to continue
7.5 Fork R (L=Pine Creek) N41 55.269 W111 35.861
7.6 1st of 2 stiff hike-a-bikes
11.1 Fork R N41 53.545 W111 34.074
11.2 At road N41 53.505 W111 33.948, go R (down) on 89
11.7 Turn R then L onto Tony Grove Rd Elevation 6300 feet

Gene flies down the soft smooth trail in the lower canyon.

Getting there: In Logan, turn east at 400 North
on US-89 towards Logan Canyon (about 2 miles). Drive 21 miles from the
canyon mouth. At the sign for Tony Grove Lake, turn left, then immediately
turn left again. (Right goes to a campground.) Now drive 7 miles uphill to
the end of the pavement at Tony Grove Lake. There are bathrooms and
camping at the lake. The trailhead is at the northwest corner of the
parking loop N41 53.705 W111 38.552. Tony Grove is a fee area ($7 per car
in 2018).
Riding resources for this trail:
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
High-res topo map (1.2 MB): View
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Logan resources
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
High-res topo map (1.2 MB): View
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Logan resources