Replacing the Brake Pads
Standard threaded-stem V-brakes

Common brake pads: cartridge system (top), side-grip (left), and threaded stem pads (right) with ball-joint spacers for V-brakes.
Be sure you have the correct replacement brake pad! El Cheapo bikes may have different pad
systems than those shown here.
At one time, I had to keep 6 different types on hand for our family bikes.

Releasing the brake cable.
Release the brake cable by removing the cable drum (cantilever brakes) or popping the retaining
clip off the cable housing (V-brakes)

Cable released.
Remove the old brake pad. Before doing so, note the position of the stem on the slot in the
brake caliper. Also note where the slot falls among the ball-joint spacers
on the stem of the
brake. (One set of spacers is larger than the other. As the brake wore
down, the spacers may
have been exchanged.) If there's any tread or grooves left on the pad,
note which way it points.

Installing a threaded-stem brake pad. See below for cartridge-system brake pad.
The brake pad is removed by turning the nut on the end of the threaded stem. Put the new pad
in its place, being sure to note whether the pad has a specified direction
for mounting. In
general, if there are Vs in the pad, the V points toward the back of the
bike -- the direction
the wheel will be turning into it.
Use the wider ball-joint spacer on the pad side of the caliper if you want your calipers wider apart. If you like them close, put the wider spacers on the nut side of the caliper.
Use a wrench to loosen the nut. Once the pusharm is loose, turn it upward. Pull the brake pad and pusharm out of the mechanism.
A solid-stem brake pad has a pusharm that is gripped from the side. The nut on the opposite
side of the cantilever loosens or tightens the grip on the pusharm.

Drawing in slack from the cable.
Dial the cable-length adjuster on the brake lever almost all the way back (leave about 1/8
inch). Reattach the retaining clip to the brake cable. If the cable was
tightened to compensate
for worn brake pads, you may need to let the cable out a half-inch or
so at the attaching screw
on the caliper.

Checking the clearance and alignment of the pad on the rim.
Fine-tune the position of the pads. Each pad should be only about 1/8" from the rim, with the
stem pointing perpendicular to the facing edge of the rim. Partially tighten.
Now toe the brake
pad. This means the FRONT end of the brake pad will be a trace closer
to the rim than the back
end. Put a couple of business cards under the back end of the pad, then
grip the brake lever
to tighten the pad down against the rim. Now tighten the stem fully. Do
this for each side.

Adjusting the tension for symetrical brake motion.
If one caliper rebounds further away from the rim than another, or if one pad is rubbing the
rim, adjust the spring tension on the calipers. Turn only 1/4 turn at
a time, gripping the
brake lever after each adjustment, then spinning the wheel to check alignment
of the pads.
You need to increase the spring tension on a pad that rubs (by turning
the screw IN), so it
rebounds further away from the rim. If the distance between rim and pad
varies significantly
as the tire rotates, you need to
the rim

Adjusting the cable length.
If necessary, make a final adjustment of the cable length using the adjuster at the brake lever.
This determines the amount of "pull" you make on the brake lever before
the brakes engage.
Leave about one and a half inches of daylight between the brake lever
and the handlebar when
you're gripping the brake lever hard. (Some riders like the brake action
closer to the handlebar.
If so, you can back the cable tension off, but be certain there's at least
1/2" space between
lever and handle bar when the brake is gripped as hard as possible.) For
further information
brake tuneup
s, see that section.
Cartridge System Pad Replacement

Pulling the retaining pin. Be careful not to lose or damage the pin!
Follow the instructions above for release of the brake cable. Locate the retaining pin at the
top of the brake cartridge. Grasp it firmly with needle-nose pliers, then
pull it gently out.
DON'T break it or lose it.

Sliding the brake pad out of the cartridge.
Slide the brake pad out at the open end. Use a small wire to clean dirt out of the front end
of the cartridge. Now slide the new brake pad in. Push a bit, so the hole
in the pad matches
the hole in the cartridge. Re-insert the retaining pin, making certain
it seats correctly.
Follow the procedure above for adjustment of the brake clearance, toeing,
and tension after
pad replacement.