Scalp Laceration
Scalp lacerations are uncommon when helmets are worn properly. Cuts may occur when an
overlying branch penetrates a vent hole in the helmet, or when a the biker's head hits
sharp rock just below the helmet.
Most scalp lacerations are caused by a blunt hit. The scalp "bursts" when it's
pinched between the skull and another object. If the cut is gaping, it usually
does better
with stitches. A small scalp cut can be managed at home.
Scalp cuts usually heal well. Be sure there's no wood or gravel in the wound. If you're
concerned about skull fracture or concussion, see the doctor. Signs of serious head injury
include: loss of consciousness, confusion, repeating questions, vomiting, severe headache,
the wound is gaping open
bleeding does not stop
significant head injury occurred:
loss of consciousness
repeating questions
severe headache
Hold pressure on the cut until bleeding stops. Scalp lacerations can bleed profusely. Put direct pressure on the laceration (ideally with sterile dressing material, but your bike shirt will do). If continued pressure is needed, tie the cloth into place with a sling (triangular bandage). You may be able to maintain pressure by cinching your bike helmet snugly over a cloth compress.
Carefully assess whether stitches are needed. If you decide to treat at home, make sure the wound is free of dirt and debris. Clean with Betadine, then dry the wound and surrounding hair. Grasp small locks of hair from each side of the cut. Pull them together, crisscrossing over the wound. Either tie or glue the hair locks together.

Ongoing care:
Keep the comb and brush away from the area for a few days. Avoid contact sports.
Watch for:
Watch for signs of infection, such as swelling, redness, increasing pain, fever, or
drainage. See section on infection. Observe 24 hours
for symptoms of serious
head injury.