Burns usually don't occur while riding your bike. But, maybe you spilled coffee on
yourself after the ride. So for the sake of completeness, here's the straight dope on
The seriousness of a burn depends on the size of the burn, location of the burn, and the depth of the burn. Partial thickness burns include first-degree (where the skin is red and tender) and second-degree (with blisters or loose skin and oozing). Full thickness burns, also called third-degree burns, require special care and should be seen by the doctor.

Like any other skin injury, second- and third-degree burns can become infected. Deep
second-degree burns (and third-degree burns) will usually leave a scar. Burned skin must
be protected, yet it must be stretched as it heals so the scar doesn't limit mobility.
See the doctor if:
any burn is larger than the victim's palm
a burn is in a critical area (hand, face, genitals)
pain can't be controlled.

Immediate care:
Put Burn Free pads or gel over the burn. Elevate the injured part. When pain is
controlled, place a dressing. Usually, a non-stick pad, then gauze, then a kling wrap
protects a modest-sized burn well. If burn involves surfaces that will touch (such as
adjacent fingers or toes), be sure the dressing separates the surfaces so they don't
Ongoing care:
Change the dressing daily. If the bandage sticks, soak it in warm water with a drop of
soap. Dilute hydrogen peroxide can help soften a thickly crusted bandage. Depending on the
depth of the burn, healing can take from 1 week to 4 weeks.
Watch for:
See the doctor if there is redness around the wound, red streaks, swelling, drainage,
fever, tender bumps in the groin or armpit upsteam from the burn, or an unexplained
increase in pain or tenderness. See section on infection.