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Banner and Logo Advertising

Banner or logo ads are placed on a first-come, first-served basis. Banner ads are self-contained graphics in JPEG or GIF format, with no accompanying text. The graphic is a hyperlink to the advertiser's web site, or to a specific page on that web site. Advertising will be accepted in the form of standard banners, half-banners, and logos, as specified below. You can also supply us with scripts that insert banners from another source, such as an ad-server.

Width up to 400 pixels, height up to 110 pixels. We will resize your ad if necessary. Priority ads will appear at or near the top of the page. Where there are multiple advertisers, ads within the body of the page text will be offered at two-for-one. Placement includes a hyperlink to a specified web page.


Standard Full Banner
Width 500 to 900 pixels, height up to 110 pixels. We will resize your ad if necessary. Ads will appear at or near the top of the page when possible.  Placement includes hyperlink to a specified web page.
